Lecture Vaporiser Tool 2 (LVT-2) is a system integrating multiple AI systems to effectively compress videos of lectures into notes. It can hear what is being said in the lecture, and read slides if presented.
The idea was to consolidate what was being said and taught, without adding extra content into notes, much like how a student attending the lecture would use this.
You can see a generated example output in the demo folder. This was run on MIT's OpenCourseWare "1. Introduction to Computational and Systems Biology" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJzybEXmIj0) by Prof. Christopher Burge licensed under BY-NC-SA.
LVT-2 occassionally can get the names of people and jargon wrong. If the slides presented spell these text right, it may be more likely to correct this in context. If the lecture has many repeated points, the notes will likewise chronologically show these repeats (much like a student attending the lecture in person!). Depending on the verbosity of the lecture, adjusting hyperparameters will be necessary. Some concepts may also be incomplete or incorrect, though this is generally rare. Please exercise your own discretion and due dilligence when using the generated notes, I am NOT liable for the stuff this program spews!
There are a few tools which you need installed on your system:
- OpenAI's Whisper (may have other requirements on your system!)
- EasyOCR (may have other requirements on your system!)
Python dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/Chokyotager/LectureVaporiserTool-2
pip install -r requirements.txt
You may also have to run the following to update NLTK models:
>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.download('punkt')
These should be accessible as executables (i.e. "ffmpeg", "whisper") when keyed into the command line. The code directly references these executables and you will have to change them if they are located elsewhere.
python3 lvt.py --key <OPENAI KEY> input.mp4 output
You do not have to specify the OPENAI_KEY
if you have an environmental variable OPENAI_API_KEY
The output summary would be in the folder. It takes varying amounts of time to generate these notes, namely depdendent on how "crowded" the slides are. Slides that are full of text will take significantly longer for the OCR to read.
You are welcome to contribute through pull requests or forking.
License details can be found in the LICENSE file.