Discover things about Crawl monsters as a whole!
For individual monsters, best refer to the bots in ##crawl on Freenode.
You can use %?? yak
in there and be greeted with all the data, like so:
yak (Y) | Spd: 10 | HD: 7 | HP: 26-52 | AC/EV: 4/7 | Dam: 18
| Res: magic(28) | XP: 205 | Sz: Large | Int: animal.
Example question to ask Monsters: "Which monsters have more than 20 AC?"
python ./ ac
results in a huge list starting like this:
Monsters by AC
127 test spawner
40 Dispater
30 Asmodeus
30 Cerebov
30 Murray
30 Tiamat
28 Antaeus
25 animated tree
25 curse skull
25 curse toe
25 Hell Sentinel
22 crystal guardian
22 war gargoyle
As of now, the following arguments to
are supported:
(AC + EV)attacks
(dragons + draconians by HD)hd
(movement speed)
Additionally, everything
prints all of the above if you simply want to
discover new things or forgot what to look for.
To regenerate the list of local output for every function defined above,
simply run
without any command-line arguments. It will
produce one output file named ac
, one named defenses
and so on.
Still to be done: guess file location of mon-data.h and allow passing its path as command-line argument. But for that, a proper parser has to happen!