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Citillara edited this page Jan 21, 2021 · 11 revisions


  1. Technical commands
  2. Generic commands
  3. Cookie commands

General remarks

The bot does have a level hierarchy for users when determining commands usage.
If a command does not specify who can use it, then it's available for everybody.

From top to bottom :

  1. Citillara : lead dev
  2. Developer : bot devs
  3. Admin : Twitch admins
  4. Broadcaster : current channel broadcaster
  5. Global moderator : Twitch global moderators
  6. Staff : Twitch staff
  7. Moderator : current channel moderators
  8. Subscriber : current channel subscribers
  9. All others

Technical commands


  • !uptime Tells the current bot uptime since last reboot
  • !version Tells current bot versions of core and libraries


  • !part <channel> Makes the bot leave immediately a channel.


  • !join <channel> Makes the bot join immediately a channel.

Generic commands


  • !roll <number> Bot will roll a positive integer between 1 and <number>.
    Aliases : d2, d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, d100
  • !timediff Computes the time difference between 2 times. Example : !timediff 1:30:50 0:55:12


  • !raid <channel> Bot will spam the raid message set by the !raidmessage command and the computed url of the channel in the current channel.
  • !raidmessage <text> Sets the raid message that will be spammed by the !raid command.


  • !pyramid <text> Makes a chat pyramid of the text immediately following.

Cookie commands

Note about the cooldowns : cooldowns are always personnal to the user on the channel where the command has been issued. Developers and above ignores the cooldowns.


  • !cookie
    Gives to the caller a random number of cookies of a random flavour (except if flavour is forced through an alias). Custom channel flavours have higher chance of appearing.
    This command is subject to a personnal cooldown set by the !cookiedelay command (default : 1 min)
    Note : the cookie amount RNG is not linear
    Aliases : !cookie, !welcomecookie, !lovecookie, !wrcookie, !crashcookie

  • !cookie <target>
    Same as !cookie except the cookies are given to the target. Triggers the personnal cooldown of the caller.
    Note : target can be a non-twitch user
    Aliases : same as !cookie

  • !cookiecount
    Tells over whisper the personnal count of cookies and ranking on this channel. Also computers the number of calories it represents and suggest an activity to burn it.
    Aliases : !rank, !cookierank

  • !ranks
    Gives the link of the global ranking for the current channel
    Alias : !globalrank

  • !flavours
    Gives the link of the custom cookie flavours for the current channel.
    Broadcaster can log with twitch on the website to delete unwanted flavours.
    Alias : !globalrank

  • !givecookie <target> <amount>
    Gives cookies to the target from caller's personnal pool of cookies
    Aliases : !sendcookie, !cookiesend, !cookiegive

  • !yoshi <target> <amount>
    Bribes Yoshi with cookies so Yoshi will attempt to eact target's cookies.
    Yoshi will eat between 1 and 3* of cookies of the target.
    If the target has no cookies left, Yoshi doesn't take the bribe
    Triggers personnal cooldown (default : 10 min)
    Aliases : !bribe, !bribeyoshi, !yoshibribe

  • !top10
    Display current channel top 10 ranking of cookies


  • !addcookie <text>
    Adds a custom cookie flavour for this channel in the cookie database.
    The sentence must contain the word 'cookie'
    Alias : !newcookie


  • !bribedelay <seconds>
    Sets the cooldown for the usage of the !yoshi command

  • !cookiedelay <seconds>
    Sets the cooldown for the usage of the !cookie command


  • !dbcookiecount
    Displays the total amount of cookie flavours in the database