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AleksiP edited this page Dec 22, 2020 · 81 revisions



AlertBox is a black information snackbar for purpose of giving important information to user. For example issues with service etc.



Accepted props are

Parameter Default Type Description
title null required - node Title text for alert box
text null required - node Text content for alert box


BackButton is a simple button based on MUIIconButton that takes user back to previous page or to home view.


BackButton should always be a link since it takes user to previous page and moving user to completely new point in site.


Parameter Default Type Description
ariaLabel null string Text for screen readers passed to button as aria-label
className '' string Class texts passed to button
onClick null function OnClick function for button element
variant null 'container', 'icon', null Variant for BackButton. container makes the button have wrapping text container. icon makes the button an icon without accompanying text. Leaving this out gives a basic rectangle shaped button
srHidden false bool Tells if button should be hidden from screen readers
focusVisibleClassName null string Only for Icon variant Class name passed to IconButton when button is focused


Basic content wrapper with margin and padding extended from theme


Parameter Default Type Description
margin false boolean Set true for margin (Setting paper option to true will also add margin)
noMargin false boolean Option to set margin to 0 overrides margin and paper options
paper false boolean Set true if wrapper component should use MUIPaper component
text false boolean Set true for text content stylings (text-align: left)
title null string Title text for content if required
titleComponent h3 string Prop for title MUITypography component should use one of the following (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)


Titled text component for rendering titled text data.


When using DescriptionText component make sure to set correct heading level with titleComponent prop. Title should be in correct semantic relation. If this content is part of a parent heading of h3 use h4 to keep semantic cohesion.

If description text contains HTML make sure elements work well with screen readers.


Parameter Default Type Description
description null required - string Text to be rendered as text content can be HTML if html prop is set true
html false boolean Option to set description content as HTML using dangerouslySetInnerHTML attribute of MUITypography.
title null required - node Renderable react element for title
titleComponent null required - h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 Prop for title MUITypography component should use one of the following (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)


Drawer menu for mobile.


Component for showing search suggestion list. Used in search view to give new search suggestions for users.



Updated: 22.12.2020 PaginatedList is a list utilizing ResultList component with sliced data based on pagination.


Parameter Type Default Description
beforePagination node null Element to be place before pagination element
customComponent function null Function that is directly passed to ResultList. Read ResultList documentation
data required - array null Array of data to be listed
id required - string null String paginatedList-${id} to be passed to ResultList listId. Read ResultList documentation
itemsPerPage required - number 10 Defined number of items rendered per page
srTitle string null Will be used to generate screen reader text element which is passed as beforeList prop to ResultList. For example "Service Locations" would then give screen readers a text "Service Locations page 1 out of 5" which is read before list or on page change.
title string null String to be passed to ResultItem title prop
titleComponent required - h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 null TitleComponent to be passed to ResultList. Read ResultList documentation


Result list is a list container that uses MUIList and renders data in a list format. Result list has a title text and result count as header. By default this component can read data with object_types: unit, service, and address. Using customComponent prop you can set your own list item to be rendered


Title text and result count should be read as single line with screen reader.


Parameter Type Default Description
beforeList node null Component to be rendered just before list of elements.
customComponent function null Custom component is a function that receives data item as parameter and returns JSX component to be rendered.
data required - array null Array of data objects for rendering
listId required - string null String id for list element to
resultCount number null Result count number used to render info about total data count
title string null Title text that is shown with result count
titleComponent required - h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 null Prop for title MUITypography component


TitledList is a list that wraps any MUIListItems to a MUIList component. This list has a title and subtitle text side by side. You can add button to the end of the list.


Parameter Type Default Description
buttonID string null ID for button element if
buttonMessageID string null Button message id used by intl to figure which translated text to use. Required with onButtonClick to show button
subtitle node null Subtitle element for rendering
title required - node null Title element for rendering
divider boolean false Should divider element be placed between title and list
loading boolean false Used to show loading text
onButtonClick function null Function to be run on button click. Required with buttonMessageID to show button

List items


Updated: 05.05.2020

List element that utilizes SimpleListItem.


Parameter Type Default Description
address required - object null Address object from API for rendering component
selected boolean false Prop passed to SimpleListItem
className string null Class text for element


Updated: 05.05.2020

List element that utilizes ResultItem and renders list element based on event data given.


Element should be considered link by screen readers since it takes user to another view.


Parameter Type Default Description
event required - object null Event object from API for rendering component


Updated: 04.05.2020

ResultItem is a base component used by many other list item components.


For screen readers this item is read as a link(<a>-element). ResultItem combines all the texts and presents them to screen reader using single srOnly element for screen reader. Visually, all text elements are separate and hidden from screen reader. Screen reader is meant to ignore divider elements from list count.


Parameter Type Default Description
bottomHighlight boolean false Defines how bottomText will be highlighted with boxed element
bottomText string null Bottom text
icon node  null Icon for element
onClick function null Click and keydown (run on enter or space) event for list item element.
subtitle string null Subtitle text for element
title required - string null Title text for element
distance object null Distance object with text and srText used to render distance text for element.
divider boolean true Define if this element should use divider below itself
role string link Role prop passed to MUIListItem element
srLabel string null Extra screen reader only text passed to srOnly element
selected boolean false Determine if element is selected. Prop passed to MUIListItem element
padded boolean Determine if element should have padding


Updated: 05.05.2020

ServiceItem is a component that represents a service. ServiceItem utilizes SimpleListItem component for rendering element.


Currently we have 2 ways we show services in lists. Firstly is search result in which case elements are considered links and should have required aria attributes to show screen readers it's a link. Second way is showing unit's services in which case this element is used to just represent data. In this case element should not be considered a link and should represent ordinary list item.


Parameter Type Default Description
service object null Service data object to be rendered
link boolean true Defines if element should be considered a link that takes user to service view


Updated: 05.05.2020

Basic list item used to create simple single line text or link element.


If list item element is interactive make sure it has related role and aria-attributes. For example links should contain role link


Parameter Type Default Description
className string null Class for element
button boolean false
text required - string null Text content for element
srText string null Additional screen reader only text read with text content
link boolean false Defines if element should act like a link by adding role and stylings
icon node null Icon element for list item
handleItemClick function null Function for clicking the item
role string null Optional role for element
divider boolean false Should element render divider after it
selected boolean false Prop passed to MUIListItem to indicate selected element


Updated: 05.05.2020

SuggestionItem is a component used for representing search suggestions to user. Utilizes MUIListItem component for rendering.


Element should have role link.


Parameter Type Default Description
text required - node null Text content for element
icon node null Icon for element
handleArrowClick function null Function run on arrow click
handleItemClick function null Function run when element is clicked
divider boolean false Defines if divider should be rendered after list element
selected boolean false Prop passed to MUIListItem to indicate selected element
subtitle string null Text presented as subtitle
query string null Text to indicate which part of text prop is to be bolded 


Updated: 05.05.2020

UnitItem is a component that represents a unit to user. It is a list item that takes the user to unit page and displays relative unit data such as name, distance and accessibility information of the unit. UnitItem uses ResultItem to create the base component for itself.


Parameter Type Default Description
unit object null Unit data object to be rendered
onClick function null Function for onClick event that replaces the base functionality of moving user to unit view
padded boolean false Defines if element should have padding


Loader component shows loading bar with appropriate text.


Parameter Type Default Description
text string null Text shown to user on top of loading bar
progress required - number 0 Percentage number (1-100) for loading bar


Pagination component for handling paginated list pages navigation.


Page number elements are considered links since we have decided to move user to start of the list when page is changed. Number elements should also include more descriptive text for screen readers since numbers alone are not informative enough.

Selected page number element should be disabled and tabindex set to -1 to prevent tab functionality.


Parameter Type Default Description
current required - number null Page number of currently selected page
handlePageChange required - function null Function to handle page changing logic
maxShownPages number 7 Maximum shown pages in pagination component. Pages after this number will be hidden until user selectes deeper page.
pageCount required - number null Total page count


PaperButton is a button component meant for highlighting button with elevation.


Parameter Type Default Description
disabled boolean false Sets button to disabled
icon node null Icon element for button
link boolean false Sets button to be considered link for screen readers
onClick function null Function to be run with onClick event
messageID required - string null Intl message id string for getting translated text
subtitleID string null Intl message id string for getting translated text


ResultOrderer component handles order in which getOrderedData selector sorts data.


Make sure select options are clear descriptive texts.


Parameter Type Default Description
initialValue 'match-desc', 'alphabetical-desc', 'alphabetical-asc', 'accessibility-desc', 'distance-asc'
null Using initialValue you can set initial value for ordering
disabled boolean false Defines if select element should be disabled


SearchBar is the main element for searching information.


Search suggestion implementation requires input to be a combobox. This indicates user that element has extra content related to input. Element should also change aria-haspopup value based on if dropdown elements are shown.

Input should not have placeholder because the text doesn't have good enough contrast. And with good enough contrast it can confuse user to mistakenly think placeholder text is actual input text. We decided to move informative "placeholder" texts out of input element itself.


Parameter Type Default Description
background default, none default Background stylings variation. By default background is using theme's primary color. Setting none makes background transparent
className string null Class string to be passed to root element
header boolean false Define if header text should be shown to user
hideBackButton boolean false Define if back button should be hidden
initialValue string null Initial text for SearchBar. Used if not previous search exists when component is called
isSticky number null Define if element should be a sticky element and sets top value for element with this number.
margin boolean false Define if element should have extra margin



UnitIcon is an icon components that handles retrieval of right icon based on given unit and current accessibility settings. Icons come in 3 colors: default, shortcomings, and noInfo.


  • unit - object - Unit data object for figuring out color based on accessibility shortcomings


ServiceMapButton is a basic button component that utilizes MUIButtonBase component as it's template.


Button text should be informative and have a instructive verb to describe it's action. Text can be improved and expanded for screen readers with aria-label attribute. Visible text can't be too long, longer text must be in aria-label and it should include visible text as part of the string if possible.

By default ServiceMapButton has a role button. Use role link if button takes user to another point in site or changes the current content.


Accepted props are

Parameter Default Type Description
aria-label null string Aria label text for screen readers
className null string Class string passed to root component
small false boolean If small is set to true component inserts stylings for small button
color default primary, secondary, default Allows change of button theme color based on theme
icon null node Icon element for button
messageID null string React intl message id for getting translated text
onClick null function Click event
margin false boolean Adds margins for button element if set true
style null object JSS style object for ButtonBase component
role required - null link, button Role for button element

Injected props are the following


Rest of the arguments are passed to MUIButtonBase component directly. And child conetn is passed to MUIButtonBase content.


Settings dialog component that allows user to change settings.


Settings element is considered a dialog and should imitate a dialog. This means focus should never leave this element and should loop back to start. When closed focus should also move back to element which opened Settings dialog.

Snackbar should not have close button since it confused users to think snackbar close would leave settings dialog.

Settings should have aria-live dynamic text element for giving user information about the state current operation.


Parameter Type Default Description
isMobile boolean false Define if rendering should consider element to be in mobile mode


SettingsInfo is a component that shows user currently selected settings. SettingsInfo renders information in rows of 4. Each element includes logo and text. Component also has a link to settings if user has to change anything


Updated: 22.12.2020


Parameter Type Default Description
data required - array null Array of tab objects for rendering tabs and related content
focusClass string null Class name for focus element. Requires both focusClass and focusElement to do anything
focusText string null Focus element text. Requires both focusClass and focusElement to do anything
headerComponents node null Extra elements to be rendered in header

Tab object

Parameter Type Default Description
ariaLabel string null Aria label string for Tab element
beforePagination node null Element to be rendered before pagination element
component node null Component for content
title string null Title text for shown in tab
data array null Array of objects to be rendered into list
noOrderer boolean null Define if ResultOrderer should be hidden


Updated: 11.05.2020

TitleBar is a main title component for each view.


TitleBar title component should be required prop so developers have to specifically set it correctly based on view context.


Parameter Type Default Description
ariaHidden boolean false Defines if title should have aria-hidden attribute
backButton boolean false Defines if back button should be shown
backButtonOnClick function null Allow overridden custom functionality to be set for back button
backButtonSrText string null Allow custom screen reader text to be set for back button
className string null Class name to be passed to root element
distance string null Distance text to be shown next to title
title required - node null Title text element
titleComponent required - h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 null Prop for title MUITypography component
sticky boolean false Define if TitleBar should be considered a sticky element


Updated: 11.05.2020

TopBar is component used in layouts to render top bar with language and settings options.


Desktop settings buttons should open a settings dialog while moving focus to start of dialog. Focus should also return back to related button on dialog close.

Contrast change should change map type and element colors.

Top bar should have anchor link for screen readers to skip to content right after title text.


Parameter Type Default Description
i18n object null  Custom i18n class object for language validation
settingsOpen citySettings, mapSettings, accessibilitySettings  null String for figuring out opened settings value
smallScreen required - boolean null Define if top bar should small screen mode and related components



BoldedText component renders string and bolds part of the text based on given arguments.


Parameter Default Type Description
text null required - string Text scope for inspection
shouldBeBold null string Text that should be bolded within scope text


DesktopComponent component is a wrapper component that renders only on non small screen widths. This uses media query to calculate minimum width based on configured mobileUiBreakpoint value.


MobileComponent component is a wrapper component that renders only on specified small screen widths. This uses media query to figure out maximum width based on configured mobileUiBreakpoint value.


Navigator is a helper component made to solve problem with react-router history not having proper middleware to handle redirection on history events. Navigator sets reference to itself into redux as navigator. You can access it by connecting your component to redux and accessing navigator in store.


  • generatePath - (target, data) - Accepts target (string) parameter that is equivalent to a key in paths config and data parameter related to view and specified in paths config.
  • goBack - () - Goes back in browser history if breadcrumb has entries otherwise redirect to home. Breadcrumb is emptied on page load
  • push - (target, data) - Push current location in history. Target can either be location object used by react router's history or a string representing a key in path config. Data parameter is related to view and specified in paths config
  • replace - (target, data) - Replace current location in history. Target can either be location object used by react router's history or a string representing a key in path config. Data parameter is related to view and specified in paths config