Releases: CityOfBoston/AgilePoint
[AgilePoint: 38D Update Form for FY26]
Release Notes
Updated Excel Templates: New FY2638D Excel files have been loaded
Form Functionality Maintenance: Verified that all form fields, validations, and conditional questions work as expected.
Google Drive Integration: Archives moved out of the directory that connects to AgilePoint to improve speed and functionality
Related Jira tickets
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Dig-5605 - AgilePoint: 38D Update Form for FY26
Agilepoint Version
[add in the AGP version]
Full Changelog: v2.2025.10...v2.2025.14
Full Changelog: v2.2025.10...v2.2025.1.33
AgilePoint Enhancements and Fixes
Release Notes
DIG-5630 - OPAT: Remove "Edit" Button on Views
Update: The "Edit" button has been removed from views to improve usability
DIG-5252 - Blue Bikes Discount Application: Graduate Student Eligibility Logic Update
Update: Certain schools that previously made applicants ineligible have been removed from the restriction criteria, allowing more students to qualify for the discount.
DIG-5349 - Blue Bikes Discount Application: Zip Code Validation Fix
Fix: Validation has been implemented to ensure only properly formatted zip codes are accepted, improving data accuracy.
Related Jira tickets
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Dig-5630 - AgilePoint: OPAT - Enhancement for OPAT to research remove "edit" button on views
Dig-5252 - AgilePoint: BTD - Blue Bikes - Student Logic Change
Dig-5349 - AgilePoint: Zip Code Validation - Blue Bikes
Agilepoint Version
Full Changelog: v2023.02.17...v2.2025.10
[Copy title of production PR]
Release Notes
This ticket updated Assessing's 38D forms for FY25 including the addition of Forms D and W
Related Jira tickets
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example: Dig-1839 - Update residential exemption application in Assessing Online
Agilepoint Version
[add in the AGP version]
Full Changelog: ChildcareSurvey_v1.13...ASD_38D_v1.26
Childcare Survey v1 1.13
[AgilePoint: Childcare Survey]
Release Notes
- This ticket updated the Childcare Survey for 2024 including changes to wording in several questions and adding a "don't know" option to several questions
Related Jira tickets
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example: Dig-3887 - Update residential exemption application in Assessing Online
Agilepoint Version
[Version 1.13]
Childcare Survey Form
Updated Translations
Release Note
DIG-1541 - Childcare Survey Translations
- The Childcare survey is available in all of the City of Boston official languages
- Users will see the language choices in a drop down menu on the top right of the form.
DIG- 1902 - Update Childcare Results CSV form with new Child Care questions
- This work updates the .csv intake form for the Childcare survey so all the user's responses are recorded correctly
Related Jira tickets
DIG-1541 - Childcare Survey Translations
DIG- 1902 -Update Childcare Results CSV form with new Child Care questions
Agilepoint Version
Full Changelog: v2023.02.17...ChildcareSurvey_v1.09
Release Notes
DIG-1746 - DIS - On Street Accessible Parking
- None of the Above option was added to the following required question - Check off all parking restrictions at this address:
- The Additional Required Document language was updated to indicate that RMV medical form for placard application will not be accepted.
Related Jira tickets
DIG-1746 - DIS Onstreet Accessible Parking
Agilepoint Version
Full Changelog: v2023.02.17...AccessibleParking_v1.02
Agile Point Updates v2023.02.17
Updates form for 2023 survey
Release Notes
DIG-1762 - 38D Tax Property Tax return form updates for 2024
Form updates include:
- Attaching 2024 Excel forms to the appropriate buttons on the form for users
- Updating the date from 2023 to 2024 on the form
DIG-1812 Updates to the 2024 Child Care Survey Form
Form updates include:
Remove the following questions from the Respondent information section (What is your age?, What is your Gender Identity, What is your Current Employment status? What is your relationship to your children?)
Remove the following questions from the Respondent information section -->>Spouse or Other Parent/Guardian Section- (Age of spouse, Gender Identity of Spouse, Employment Status, Race/Ethnicity, relationship to children)
Remove the following questions: Does your child have a diagnosed disability/developmental delay, From home, how many minutes does it take you to get to this child's primary arrangement?, From work, how many minutes does it take you to get to this child's primary arrangement, What other childcare arrangement does your child spend time in while a parent/guardian is working? (Check all that apply), What challenges do you experience with your current primary childcare arrangement for this child? (Check all that apply), On average, what form of transportation do you take to get to this child's arrangement(s)? Check one.*
Remove the following questions: Approximately, how much do you pay for childcare in TOTAL for ALL children between birth to age 5?, Is the cost above per week or month?, What is your annual household income? (Before taxes)
Remove the following question from the last section of the survey- this question only appears if the user chooses Parent/Guardian in a question from above--->> If parent/guardian care is your current primary arrangement for any child, what is the main reason why?
Update the following question text: Does your child receive subsidized childcare? --> Does your child use a voucher or subsidy
Update the follow question text: What is the childcare arrangement that this child spends the most time in while a parent/guardian is working? --> What are your current childcare arrangements for each child? (bold)Check all that apply.(bold) Please update button list descriptions too: 1. Parent 2. Neighbor, Friend, or Family member (not a parent), 3. Licensed Homebased Childcare Provider (family childcare provider), 4. Center-based Care, 5. Early Headstart/Headstart, 6. Public or Charter School, 7. Private or Religious School, 8. Nanny, Babysitter or Au Pair
Update the follow question text: Imagine you could choose any childcare arrangement, which type of arrangement would you choose for this child? --> What would be your preferred childcare arrangement? (bold)Check one for each child.(bold) Please update button list descriptions too: 1. Parent 2. Neighbor, Friend, or Family member (not a parent), 3. Licensed Homebased Childcare Provider (family childcare provider), 4. Center-based Care, 5. Early Headstart/Headstart, 6. Public or Charter School, 7. Private or Religious School, 8. Nanny, Babysitter or Au Pair
Update the following question text: In an ideal situation, would you prefer to have your childcare close to home or work?---> Would you prefer to have your childcare close to home or work?
Update the following question test: If parent/guardian care is your current primary arrangement for any child, what best describes that caretaking parent/guardians desires around work? ---> Does your current childcare arrangement support your work needs? (bold)(Check one) (bold)
Update the following question: If parent/guardian care is your current primary arrangement for any child, please check the gender of the parent/guardian who stays home most often?-->If a parent is the current childcare arrangement for any child, please check the gender of the parent who is the primary caretaker. Please add All Parents to the button checklist
Update the following question: Please tell us about any challenges you experience with childcare--> Please tell us about any challenges you experience with childcare and/or using public spaces with your children.
Add the following questions to the survey with same list of answers --> If parent/guardian care is your current primary arrangement for any child, what best describes that caretaking parent/guardians desires around work? and If parent/guardian care is your current primary arrangement for any child, please check the gender of the parent/guardian who stays home most often? Currently these two question appear on the survey conditionally if Parent/Guardian are picked as the answer to the following question What is the childcare arrangement that this child spends the most time in while a parent/guardian is working?
Add the following note under above the first question of the survey in bold Italics Please Note: "Parent" in this survey refers to parents, guardians and any other caregivers.
Add the following question and bubble answers in the Information about Each Child sections under the question Does your child receive subsidized care? -- q: Does your child participate in any before or aftercare a: yes, no
Add the following questions and bubble answers in the last section of the survey under the question In an ideal situation, would you prefer to have your childcare close to home or work? -->1. q: Per month, do you spend more on child care for ALL children 0 to 5 than on rent or mortgage? a: yes, no 2. q. If your current childcare arrangement does not meet your needs, what is the main reason? bold(Check one)bold a: Childcare costs, Safety reasons due to COVID-19, Currently on childcare waitlist, Work schedule does not match childcare schedule, Childcare is too far to access from home, I have no challenges with childcare , (bold) Other (please specify)(bold): --- will need a text box under this question.
Add the following question and bubble answers in the last section of the survey above the last question-->> q: Do you use any of these childcare arrangements? (bold)Check all that apply(bold) a: Childcare before 8:00am, Childcare after 6:00pm, Childcare on weekends, Childcare during vacations
Related Jira tickets
DIG-1762 - 38D Tax Property Tax return form updates for 2024
DIG-1812 - Updates to the 2024 Child Care Survey Form