Haproxy has the availability to call an external agent to check if the backend is available or not like describe here https://www.haproxy.com/blog/using-haproxy-as-an-api-gateway-part-3-health-checks/
The corresponding haproxy would be
frontend thrift
bind :25003
mode tcp
option tcplog
acl thrift_failover_up srv_is_up(thrift_failover/thrift1)
acl thrift_production_up srv_is_up(thrift_production/thrift1)
use_backend thrift_failover if thrift_failover_up !thrift_production_up
default_backend thrift_production
backend thrift_failover
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
server thrift1 check
backend thrift_production
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
server thrift1 check agent-check agent-inter 5s agent-port 9999
The idea would be to have an agent checking hbase zookeeper configuration to know if the backend is available.
Every available params can be found by running zk-hbase4haproxy --help
Params | Description | example |
help | Print usage guide. | zk-hbase4haproxy help |
--zkQuorum | Zookeeper Quorum Connection to connect to | zk-hbase4haproxy run --zkQuorum="localhost:2181/hbase" |
--hbaseRsGroup | Hbase' RS Group to monitor | zk-hbase4haproxy run --zkQuorum="localhost:2181/hbase" --hbaseRsGroup=default |
--manualRecovery | The agent should not go back to UP status after a DOWN even if region server are available (default is false). | zk-hbase4haproxy run --zkQuorum="localhost:2181/hbase" --manualRecovery |
--port | Port to listen haproxy incoming check (default is 9999) | zk-hbase4haproxy run --zkQuorum="localhost:2181" --port=9000 |
Option manualRecovery is used in case you dont want the agent to send back UP after a DOWN period. It can be used to be sure the table you are working on are available. You could have a thousand reasons for the table to not open after a disaster. You would need extra step such as:
- Fix table
$ sudo -u hbase hbase hbck -fix <Table_Name>
- Balance table
$ echo balancer | hbase shell
- Table major compaction
$ echo "major_compact <Table_Name>" | hbase shell
- Restart hbase master
- Sometimes it could be a hdfs problem
When solution is fixed, to go back to UP status, you need to restart the agent.