A bootstrap project for a simple handlebars site.
All you should have to do is install your NPM stuff (this is going to install Gulp, the Gulp CLI and a bunch of other stuff).
$ npm install
First, to build your project and start watching for changes all you have to do is run the Gulp default task.
$ gulp
├── src
| ├── img
| | └── Put your images here, they'll be copied to dist
| ├── js
| | └── Put your javascript here, it'll be copied to dist
| ├── pages
| | └── These are your page templates. Each file will compiled to dist/*.html
| ├── partials
| | ├── includes
| | | └── Put partials you want to include in templates here, like the nav and footer.
| | └── layouts
| | └── Put base templates you want pages to use here.
| └── sass
| └── This gets compiled into dist/css/*.css
└── dist
└── These are the files that you should publish as your website!
The easiest way to add a new page is to copy src/pages/index.hbs
and make your changes. That template uses the base layout in src/partials/layouts/base.hbs
which includes:
- Bootstrap CDN links.
- jQuery CDN links.
- A Google Tag Manager placeholder.
- A Google Analytics placeholder.
- Options to set page meta including title, description, and Open Graph information.
- I'm sure it has other stuff as well.