Releases: ClosedXML/ClosedXML.Parser
What's Changed
- Accept references with deleted parts (Sheet!#REF!, #REF!A1 or #REF!#REF!) by @jahav in #6
- Fix incorrect parsing and serialization of row span (7:10) and col span (D:E). by @jahav in #7
- Add ability to delete sheet during formula conversion instead of just renaming. by @jahav in #8
- Split single copy+modify factory to a copy factory and modify references factory by @jahav in #9
- Publish RefModVisitor visitor by @jahav in #10
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.2.0
Initial release
Initial release, the parser can parse formulas and convert between A1-R1C1.
There are things I would like to do (like review and clean codebase and run fuzzer against the parser), but let's say perfect is the enemy of good. It has nice test coverage and works for formulas I have found in the wild by CommonCrawl. A1-R1C1 conversion doesn't maintain whitespaces yet, but IAstFactory has sufficient surface to make it happen. The last changes slowed it a little, so it's ~2.5µs/formula.
Sign assemblies for nuget.
Rather useless, since I put .snk directly in the repo, but it's more about satisfying ClosedXML that needs signed dependency. I tried and failed to do it with github secrets and at the same time locally, will figure it out later (+ClosedXML does it same way).
ClosedParser parses all data sets and has reasonably good coverage. I can use it as a dependency for ClosedXML and have test pass, so good enough for initial version.
Grammar provided by MS is incomplete and in many cases incorrect/missing, so it will need more TLC in the future.