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ClouDesire Common Orb

CircleCI Build Status CircleCI Orb Registry

CircleCI Orb maintained by the Cloudesire development team, focusing on our stack (Spring Boot, Docker, Maven, GitHub, Opscode Chef)

Documentation still incomplete, please take a look to the sources or to the registry to have a complete overview.

Commands and examples

Maven: install external library

To install an external library from another repository, use the maven_install_library command. It downloads the repository and installs the library on the build VM/container. Usage example:

- cloudesire/maven_with_cache:
          mvn_path: ./mvnw
            - cloudesire/maven_install_library:
                repo_url: [email protected]:my-organization/my-library.git
                repo_branch: my_dev_branch
            - run:
                name: Build
                command: ./mvnw -B package

Bundler (Ruby)

Save cache

- bundler_save_cache:
    path: scripts/merger/

Restore cache

- bundler_restore_cache:
    path: scripts/merger/

Docker: run and test container

To run and check if a container starts correctly, you can use the docker_run_and_test command. It runs the container and check, by default, the url http://localhost:8080/actuator/health waiting for the container to be UP.

If the container needs some environment variables to run, add a step before the docker_run_and_test command to create a docker_env_file.list file (look at the example for more) Ex:

- run:
    name: Prepare docker env file
    command: |
      # Add the container env variables to a file. Es:
      # echo "SERVER_PORT=8080" >> docker_env_file.list

- cloudesire/docker_run_and_test:
    container_port_range: "8080:8080"

For the full list of parameters and default values check the command page in the orb documentation.


Merge PR branch with default branch (main/master)

When building a PR, the step git_merge_default, merges the PR branch with the default branch (main or master). Usage examples:

- checkout

- cloudesire/git_merge_default

- cloudesire/maven_with_cache:
    mvn_path: ./mvnw
      - run:
          name: Build
          command: ./mvnw -B package


Inject labels as environment variables

With the github_pr_read_labels command is possible to inject PR labels as environment variables. The command exports each label like this: GH_PR_LABEL_[LABEL VALUE]. It capitalizes it and replaces each - with _. The command has to be used in the same job in which you want to use the environment variable.

Example: if the label is skip-all-test, the command exports the GH_PR_LABEL_SKIP_ALL_TEST variable


Create an ssh tunnel

To create an SSH tunnel between the circleci executor and an external server, use the create_ssh_tunnel command. Example:

- cloudesire/create_ssh_tunnel:
    jump_host: "" # can be also an IP
    jump_host_user: "my-user"
    from_host: ""
    from_port: "456"
    to_host: ""
    to_port: "123"