"Guess Who" is a two-player game where each player tries to guess the identity of the other player's hidden character by asking a series of yes or no questions. By integrating with ZKnoid, the game would offer fast, gasless transactions and secure gameplay where each player's moves are verified without exposing their strategy by creating runtime modules for the game logic.
ZkNoid is a home for ZK games platform on Mina protocol.
🚀 Founded on hackathon in Istanbul with the idea to unify gaming ecosystem in Mina, this project has won the grand prize in Mina Navigators and conducted a testnet event!
ZkNoid is a gaming store for provable games. Modular framework is provided for developers bringing all the infrastructure they need to easily deploy games on Mina Protocol. After Zk Proofs integration to the game process, game is listed on the store becoming a part of the project ecosystem
Learn more about ZkNoid on zknoid.io
If you want to create your own provable game, please check out the hacker's guide
Repository contains ZkNoid game platform monorepo. Monorepo
- Develop branch in deployed to https://dev.zknoid.io/
- Main branch in deployed to https://app.zknoid.io/
Project can be used localy. Here are the commands for set-up
git clone https://github.com/ZkNoid/zknoid
cd zknoid
# ensures you have the right node js version
# !important! Without this step the app may not work!
# If nvm is not installed please install it.
# `nvm install` may be needed to install correct node version
nvm use
pnpm install
pnpm env:inmemory dev
ZkNoid is a modular platform that makes it easy to implement you own game using platform infrastructure. To build a game you need to create a game folder inside apps/web/games. Define game config and implement front-end and contracts part in packages/chain/src/
- Read more in hacker's guide
- Learn more about SDK here
- Learn more about your game implementation here
- Arkanoid game verification – arkanoid/GameContexts.ts
- Competitions and leaderboard system engine/GameHub.ts
- Matchmaking system – engine/MatchMaker.ts
- Randzu logic implementation – randzu/RandzuLogic.ts
- Games frontend implementation apps/web/games
- Games contracts implementation packages/chain/src/