Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- Application Components - Express - Routes - Mongo - Tests
- Logs - [Guide to Using Log Levels](#guide-to-using-log-levelshttpsgithubcomcodenowdevops-scriptswikiguide-to-using-log-levels) - [Guide to Development & Production CLI Log Tools](#guide-to-development--production-cli-log-toolshttpsgithubcomcodenowdevops-scriptswikiguide-to-development-cli-log-tools) - [Guide to Debugging Production API with Logs](#guide-to-debugging-production-api-with-logshttpsgithubcomcodenowdevops-scriptswikiguide-to-debugging-production-api-with-logs)
- Shrinkwrap
- Running Tests
- Opinions - Restful resource urls - Middleware Patterns - Boom for Http Errors
- Resource Overview
- Help and Tips
- Models:
- Schemas:
- Behavioral tests (BDD):
- Unit Tests:
- Lab (testing framework): hapijs/lab
A quick informational blurb about shrinkwrap
In order to keep our tests running and consistently installing the same thing for everyone, we are going to be using shrinkwrap. If you are not changing dependencies, you will not need to do anything in particular; npm install
will follow the rules in npm-shrinkwrap.json
and everyone will be happy.
If you are interested in changing dependencies, you can do so pretty easily.
When you are adding a dependency, do your npm install --save(-dev)
as you normally would. Then, when everything is confirmed to be working, run npm shrinkwrap
to generate a new npm-shrinkwrap.json
. This will shrinkwrap all your dependencies and dev dependencies, updating npm-shrinkwrap.json
Commit the new npm-shrinkwrap.json
along with your changes. You may want to run some tests locally after doing a clean npm install
to verify it's validity.
- mongo
brew install mongodb
- default configuration (listening on
) mongod
- redis
brew install redis
- default configuration (listening on
) redis-server
- ulimit
ulimit -n 10240
(at minimum)
Run all tests: npm test
- BDD:
npm run bdd
- Pass additional arguments to BDD:
npm run bdd -- -d
- BDD one file:
npm run bdd -- test/path/to/file.js
- BDD one test (optional file):
npm run bdd -- -i 3 [test/path/to/file.js]
- BDD range of tests (optional file):
npm run bdd -- -i 3-10 [test/path/to/file.js]
- BDD Watch:
npm run bdd-watch
- BDD Watch w/ one test file:
npm run bdd-watch -- test/path/to/file.js
- Pass additional arguments to BDD:
- Unit:
npm run unit
- (similar options exist to run individual and ranges of tests as BDD)
This repository is formatted using the Standard JS rules.
Some helpful tips:
npm run lint
runs the standard linter, and will not format your codenpm run format
will run the standard formatter, attempting to fix various issues that are found- standard's README has some good information about various text editor plugins as well, to make your life easier
Create - POST - /resources Read - GET - /resources/:id Update - PATCH - /resources/:id *PATCH is a partial update, PUT is a full resource update Delete - DELETE - /resources/:id
Request Data validation and Middleware Flow Control - tjmehta/dat-middleware Middleware Flow Control - tjmehta/middleware-flow Middlewares of models are autogenerated for you Mongoose Models tjmehta/mongooseware Sharing the request object as a common context between middlewares allows us to make asynchronous code look synchronous and avoid "callback hell"
Nice Http Error library - hapijs/boom
Mongo Schemas - /lib/models/mongo/schemas/*.js
Context Versions - a snapshot of infrastructure code version and application code version
- Dockerfile v0.1.0 and api-server v0.1.0
- Can be built on unbuilt
Infrastructure Code Versions - build file versions. Ex: [email protected]
Builds - groupings of built components component versions
- [frontend v0.1.0, api-server v0.1.0, redis v1.0.0, mongodb v2.7.0]
- Remember component versions are snapshots of BOTH infra and app code.
- This is a grouping of built docker images.
Instances - Running build which consists of running containers for each project component
- This is a grouping on running docker containers for a build's docker images.
Runs during the start command
- Need to rerun the migrations?
- SSH into mongo
- connect
- db.getCollection("_migrations").remove({})
- rerun api start
This may be because you're getting access denied from npm. Which is trying to clone a private repo (runnable-api-client). Make sure you set up a ssh key with github and ssh-add it. (ssh-add ~/.ssh/github_rsa) Your github ssh keys
A context represents a project context (like redis)
A version is a version of a particular context (build files, github commitHash)
- can be built or unbuilt - built means it has docker image
A build is a grouping built versions (for all contexts of a project)
Instances (running builds)
containers (subdoc)
see client/config/routes.js of runnable-angular repository
Build List Page - /project/anandkumar/filibuster/master
has a listing of builds for an environment
Instance Page - /project/anandkumar/filibuster/master/build/:id (just like our current container pages except supports multiple containers (full instance))
create an instance from a build (create containers for all build images (versions))