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sharable document model

Enos Feedler edited this page Jun 26, 2013 · 3 revisions

there exists two main collections:

  1. a unified collection of published documents

  2. a private collection of unpublished documents

  • an unpublished document is created by editing a published document (YK: should be created on page visit?)
  • at the REST layer, this means posting a new document to the unpublished collection
  • the query parameters to the new document contain a reference to the document which is being copied
  • a 'parent' field in the unpublished document retains a memory of which published document this came from
  • history is maintained because the parent document is not actually deleted, we still retain the mongo record
  • there is no useful web-view of a published document (YK: what does this mean?)
  • there is simplly operations to list and searched published documents in order to clone one
  • therefore a real web user is always viewing an unpublished documemnt

creating an unpublished document

  • when a user views a project, we check to see if they have any unpublished clones of this project
  • if there are no clones, we create one (YK)
  • if they have 1 unpublished clone, we show that clone
  • if they have multiple unpublished clones, we show either a) a summary list of clones sorted by last updated with meta data (title, etc) b) we default to their most recently updated clone c) always create a new clone (giving them a view of the original project)
  • saving of unpublished documents is implicit
  • file writes are persistent
  • meta-data changes are persistent
  • meta-data and file ops are in sync

operations on unpublished documents

  • unpublished documents are cloned from documents in the unified colletion of published documents
  • web api / file access is permitted on an unpublished document (can read/write/update source files)
  • a terminal interface can be attached to an unpublished document (arbitrary document state changes)
  • can directly update the meta data on the unpublished document
  • can start/stop/restart an unpublished document
    • this creates a layer of state that is temporary
    • user can access the log stream of a running document
    • log stream state is temporary and actually part of document state
      • we cannot correlate it with the version of source code that generated it
  • unpublished documents expire after N days (YK: don't expire for registered users)
  • save is implied on each REST operation

operations on published doucments

  • published documents are cloned from documents in the private collection of unpublished documents (save)
  • file operations are not permitted (state stored as an image)
  • published documents never expire
  • there is no saving model, the resource exists in a fixed state until it is deleted

What the browser app needs to be able to do, when visiting a project link

  • know who the user on the page is (done)
  • figure out if a container (private runnable) already exists for the user (query their list with parent=projectId)
  • create a new private runnable cloned from the published one if it didint exist
  • load an existing private runnable cloned from the published one (if we found it)
  • if we created it, its not saved so dont update the url (create an open session)
  • if we load it and its not saved already, dont update the url (existing open session)
  • on save:
    • figure out if they are the owner of a particular project (done)
    • if they own the project the container was copied from, save back to that project
    • if they dont own the project, on save, publish it (save to image) and update url
    • delete the container (so they can do the process over again by visiting the parent url)