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Releases: CodeShayk/Schemio


22 Nov 15:56
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Release Notes

  • Targets .Net 9.0.
  • Breaking changes to Schemio.Core - Please see below.
  • Breaking changes to Schemio.SQL - Please see below.
  • Breaking changes to Schemio.EntityFramework - Please see below.
  • Added new Schemio.API package for supporting web APIs.

Changes in Schemio.Core

  • Entity Schema renamed to Entity Configuration and requires implementing EntityContfiguration<TEntity>.
  • IRootQuery, IChildQuery, BaseRootQuery<TParameter, TResult> & BaseChildQuery<TParameter,TResult> removed.
  • Both Parent and child queries need to implement BaseQuery<TResult> and provide override for isContextResolved() and ResolveQuery() methods.
  • IoC registration streamlined with fluent interface for container configuration.
  • Renamed IEntityContext to IEntityRequest.

Changes in Schemio.SQL & Schemio.EntityFramework

  • BaseSQLRootQuery<TParameter, TResult> & BaseSQLChildQuery<TParameter, TResult> removed.
  • Need to implement from SQLQuery<TResult> and provide override for GetQuery() method to implement both parent and child queries.

New Schemio.API for Http web queries.

  • Supports querying using web apis
  • Provides HttpClient Query Engine.

Developer Guide

Important: Please see v2.0.0 Developer Guide here for more details.


02 Oct 21:32
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Release Notes

  • Targets .Net 8.0

Schemio.Core - Provides core functionality to configure nested queries and transformers. With ability to map schema paths (XPath/JSONPath) to entity's object graph. No QueryEngine provided and requires implementing IQueryEngine to execute IQuery instances.

Release provides core functionality :-

  • IQueryEngine to implement custome query engine
  • BaseRootQuery<> & BaseChildQuery to implement parent/child queries.
  • BaseTransformere<> to implement transformer class.
  • ISchemaPathMatcher to implement custom schema language for mapping object graphs.

Schemio.SQL - Provides schemio with query engine using Dapper to execute SQL queries.

Release provides :-

  • BaseRootSQLQuery<> & BaseChildSQLQuery to implement parent/child dapper queries.
  • QueryEngine with dapper SQL query execution support.

Schemio.EntityFramework - Provides schemio with query engine using Entity Framework to execute SQL queries.

Release provides :-

  • BaseRootSQLQuery<> & BaseChildSQLQuery to implement parent/child entity framework queries.
  • QueryEngine with Entity Framework SQL query execution using DbContext.