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Releases: CodeTogether-Inc/CodeTogether-Live


02 Apr 11:46
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  • VS Code Sync Issue Resolution
    Resolved critical issues in VS Code that could lead to getting into out-of-sync state during code editing.

  • VS Code Client Outline
    Resolved issue in changes with the symbol provider fixing VS Code outline in client sessions.

  • Security Vulnerability Fixes
    Patched identified security vulnerabilities across various components, enhancing the overall security posture of the platform.

  • OpenEdge ABL Support
    Added support for syntax coloring for OpenEdge ABL language.

  • Migration from Gitter to GitHub
    Discontinued the use of Gitter for streamlined communication and community engagement on GitHub.

  • Enhanced Session Stability
    Implemented improvements to handle unstable sessions more effectively across different IDE clients, enhancing overall reliability.


17 Jan 18:21
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  • CodeTogether Live Branding
    With the introduction of CodeTogether HQ, the CodeTogether extensions have now been rebranded to CodeTogether Live. Use both Live and HQ to significantly streamline your DevOps operations.

  • New SaaS Infrastructure
    New for 2024 is a completely rebuilt SaaS infrastructure that is more scalable and reliable than ever before. This infrastructure provides lower latency sessions as well as stable regional URLs that simplifies whitelisting.

  • IntelliJ Compatibility
    The latest release of IntelliJ had API changes impacting certain functionality. This release addresses all issues ensuring a smooth

  • Eclipse Compatibility
    The latest release of Eclipse had API changes that also impacted functionality. This release fixes issues with syntax coloring as a guest, and includes other fixes to smooth out the editing experience.

  • General Fixes
    This release of CodeTogether Live has a series of general fixes included in it from optimizing memory usage, to improving CA in old versions of IDEs, and more. Thanks for the reports!

  • Security Fixes
    Beyond bug fixes, this release updates a number of third-party libraries addressing detected security vulnerabilities in those libraries.


21 Sep 08:40
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  • Session Restoration by IDE Clients
    Introduced support for IDE clients to automatically restore session connections, ensuring minimal disruptions.
  • IntelliJ 2023.2 Compatibility
    Enhanced compatibility with IntelliJ 2023.2 ensuring smooth operation and bug-free experience.
  • VS Code Secret Storage Migration
    Started to use Secret Storage API within the VS Code environment for storing sensitive data.
  • Security Vulnerability Mitigations
    Updated components in the CodeTogether container for On-Premises deployments to pick up the latest security fixes.


19 Apr 14:03
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  • VS Code Hosting and Teams
    For CodeTogether Team users on VS Code, certain users would experience problems with guests authenticating to the session. This has been fixed.
  • IntelliJ 2023.1 Compatibility
    With the 2023.1 release of Jetbrains IDEs, fixed compatibility with API changes ensuring a guest's ability to view terminals.


22 Mar 17:06
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  • Output for Tests in IntelliJ
    Clients now see missing content from the test execution output from IntelliJ host.
  • Kotlin Tests not Visible
    When using IntelliJ 2022.2+, guests can now see and execute Kotlin tests.
  • JetBrains Gateway
    Various issues in Gateway addressed, including an inability to join the session and A/V icons being broken.
  • Large Files
    Files larger than 16mb are now not available for opening on clients as doing so could break the session experience.
  • Server Sharing
    Server/port sharing is now simpler including automatic sharing of a restarted server.
  • Files Out of Sync
    Fixed an edge case on the VS Code host which could stop changes being applied to the shared file.
  • Security Fixes
    Several dependency updates to fix security vulnerabilities.


14 Dec 16:35
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  • IntelliJ 2022.3
    Fixes compatibility issues with the IntelliJ 2022.3 release.
  • On-Premises Fixes
    Addressed permission issues in OpenShift deployment and added support for a periodic CodeTogether server restart in the container.
  • On-Premises SSO Fixes
    Fixes for problems with SSO authentication when joining session from a browser and when using Safari as a default browser with 'prevent cross-site tracking' enabled.
  • Security Fixes
    Dependencies updated to fix security vulnerabilities.


14 Sep 08:33
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  • Eclipse 2022-09
    Fixes compatibility issues with the upcoming Eclipse 2022-09 release.
  • Security Fixes
    Updated SSL certs and minor security vulnerabilities addressed.
  • Miscellaneous Fixes
    Fixes for proposed APIs, On-Premises SSO integration and several other issues.


04 Jul 17:31
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  • Inline Search in VS Code
    Participants now follow a VS Code host navigating through source code using inline search.
  • Better Updates in VS Code
    Getting updates in VS Code is now more clearer with optional or mandatory updates clearly visualized and actionable.
  • On-Premises Security Updates
    This release updates a series of packages and modules that while not causing a direct exploitable vulnerability are known to have moderate-severity security issues.
  • On-Premises SSO Fixes
    To ensure compatibility, fixes an issue with connecting to specific SSO providers regarding payload format.
  • On-Premises Read-only Filesystem
    As part of a security theme, CodeTogether's On-Premises image now supports running as a read-only file system.


16 Jun 14:02
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  • Force to Follow
    Hosts and guests now have the ability to bring everyone to their location with the new 'Force all to follow' action. To avoid abuse in larger sessions, guests do not have this option if more than 3 guests.
  • Terminals Focus on Host
    When remote participants have been granted access and are interacting with a terminal, on the host side the terminal is automatically focused during input to allow the host to track activity. This focus behavior can be turned off in preferences.
  • Follow vs. Watch
    To help improve usability for new users, CodeTogether now uses Follow language instead of Watch as well as being exposed more clearly in one-on-one sessions.
  • Refresh Account from View
    For users who have recently purchased, there is now an option to 'Recheck Access' to Pro or Teams for cases where the IDE has not auto-detected the purchase.
  • Eclipse 2022-06 Compatibility
    Addresses an incompatibility with Eclipse 2022-06 to ensure clean installation on all versions of Eclipse.
  • On-Premises Improvements
    Multiple improvements for on-premises customers including being able to use SSL database connections without specific certs, Helm chart clean-up, and additional validation of inconsistent configuration values.


16 Jun 14:03
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Compatibility Fixes

  • A couple small but impactful fixes were identified in 2022.1.5 including an issue enabling proposed APIs in VS Code that have been addressed.