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Blue Sky ☁️
Blue Sky :cloud:
Comms 🔈
Comms :speaker:
Course: BOS
Course: BOS
Course: CYF+
Course: CYF+
Course: ITD
Course: ITD
Course: ITP Tracks
Course: ITP Tracks
Course: ITP
Course: ITP
Course: Launch
Course: Launch
Course: Piscine
Course: Piscine
Course: SDC Tracks
Course: SDC Tracks
Course: SDC
Course: SDC
Hold on a sec?
Hold on a sec?
I might see a problem with this, see my comment.
Location: Birmingham
Location: Birmingham
Happening in Birmingham
Location: Capetown
Location: Capetown
Happening in Capetown
Location: Glasgow
Location: Glasgow
Happening in Glasgow
Location: London
Location: London
Happening in London
Location: Manchester
Location: Manchester
Happening in Manchester
Location: Sheffield
Location: Sheffield
Happening in Sheffield
Not really a ticket
Not really a ticket
Just a title or a random line - not enough information for anyone to help
Tag ticket to pull to another board
Tag ticket to pull to another board
Team: Community
Team: Community
Team: Partnerships
Team: Partnerships
Team: Program Design
Team: Program Design
Team: Program Ops
Team: Program Ops
Team: Trainee Support
Team: Trainee Support