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fix: loosen mangle
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CodyJasonBennett committed Mar 7, 2023
1 parent 8f33324 commit 01c7df3
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Showing 5 changed files with 220 additions and 217 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"@preact/preset-vite": "^2.5.0",
"@react-three/cannon": "^6.5.2",
"@react-three/drei": "^9.57.0",
"@react-three/fiber": "^8.11.8",
"@react-three/fiber": "^8.11.9",
"jsdom": "^21.1.0",
"preact": "^10.13.0",
"three": "^0.150.1",
Expand Down
316 changes: 214 additions & 102 deletions src/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,159 +1,271 @@
import { type Options, options as _options, render } from 'preact'
import type { Fiber, HostConfig, Reconciler } from './types'
import {
type VNode,
type Component,
type ComponentChildren,
type ComponentChild,
options as _options,
} from 'preact'

interface FiberNode<T = any> extends HTMLElement {
ownerSVGElement?: null
fiber?: Fiber
containerInfo: T
hostConfig: HostConfig

export interface Fiber<P = any, I = any, R = any> extends VNode<P> {
__c?: Component & {
__P: FiberNode<R>
__e: FiberNode<R>
__: Fiber
__type?: string
stateNode?: I
type: string
container: FiberNode<R>
props: P & { children: ComponentChildren }
memoizedProps?: P & { children: ComponentChildren }

export interface HostConfig<
Type = string,
Props = Record<string, any>,
Container = any,
Instance = any,
TextInstance = any,
PublicInstance = any,
HostContext = any,
UpdatePayload = any,
> {
type: Type,
props: Props,
rootContainer: Container,
hostContext: HostContext,
internalHandle: Fiber<Props, Instance, Container>,
): Instance
// createTextInstance(
// text: string,
// rootContainer: Container,
// hostContext: HostContext,
// internalHandle: Fiber<Props, Instance, Container>,
// ): TextInstance
// appendInitialChild(parent: Instance, child: Instance | TextInstance): void
instance: Instance,
type: Type,
props: Props,
rootContainer: Container,
hostContext: HostContext,
): boolean
instance: Instance,
type: Type,
oldProps: Props,
newProps: Props,
rootContainer: Container,
hostContext: HostContext,
): UpdatePayload | null
// shouldSetTextContent(type: Type, props: Props): boolean
// getRootHostContext(rootContainer: Container): HostContext | null
// getChildHostContext(parentHostContext: HostContext, type: Type, rootContainer: Container): HostContext
getPublicInstance(instance: Instance | TextInstance): PublicInstance
// prepareForCommit(containerInfo: Container): Record<string, any> | null
// resetAfterCommit(containerInfo: Container): void
// preparePortalMount(containerInfo: Container): void
appendChild?(parent: Instance, child: Instance | TextInstance): void
appendChildToContainer?(container: Container, child: Instance | TextInstance): void
insertBefore?(parent: Instance, child: Instance | TextInstance, beforeChild: Instance | TextInstance): void
container: Container,
child: Instance | TextInstance,
beforeChild: Instance | TextInstance,
): void
removeChild?(parent: Instance, child: Instance | TextInstance): void
removeChildFromContainer?(container: Container, child: Instance | TextInstance): void
// resetTextContent?(instance: Instance): void
// commitTextUpdate?(textInstance: TextInstance, oldText: string, newText: string): void
commitMount?(instance: Instance, type: Type, props: Props, internalHandle: Fiber<Props, Instance, Container>): void
instance: Instance,
updatePayload: UpdatePayload,
type: Type,
prevProps: Props,
nextProps: Props,
internalHandle: Fiber<Props, Instance, Container>,
): void
// hideInstance?(instance: Instance): void
// hideTextInstance?(textInstance: TextInstance): void
// unhideInstance?(instance: Instance, props: Props): void
// unhideTextInstance?(textInstance: TextInstance, text: string): void
// clearContainer?(container: Container): void
[name: string]: unknown

// Creates an HTMLNode proxy for reconciliation
class PreactFiber extends (HTMLElement as { new (): Fiber['__e'] }) {
class FiberNode extends HTMLElement {
setAttribute(name: string, value: any): void {
this.ownerSVGElement ??= null
this[name] = value
;(this as Record<string, unknown>)[name] = value

const vnode = this.__vnode
if (vnode) {
vnode.props[name] = value
if (vnode.stateNode) _options.diffed?.(vnode)
const fiber = this.fiber
if (fiber) {
fiber.props[name] = value

if (!fiber.stateNode) {
// Cleanup overrides
this.ownerSVGElement = null
fiber.type = fiber.__type!

// Create Fiber instance
const container = fiber.container
const HostConfig = (this.hostConfig ??= container.hostConfig)
const containerInfo = container.containerInfo
fiber.stateNode = HostConfig.createInstance(fiber.type, fiber.props, containerInfo, null, fiber)

// Narrow ref as per reconciler's public instance
let ref = fiber.ref
Object.defineProperty(fiber, 'ref', {
get() {
return ref
set(value) {
ref = (self) => {
const publicInstance = self === null ? null : HostConfig.getPublicInstance(fiber.stateNode)
if (value && 'current' in value) value.current = publicInstance
else value?.(publicInstance)
fiber.ref = ref

appendChild<T extends Node>(node: T): T {
const child = node as unknown as PreactFiber
if (this.__vnode) {
this.__hostConfig.appendChild(this.__vnode.stateNode, child.__vnode!.stateNode)
const child = node as unknown as FiberNode
if (this.fiber) {
this.hostConfig.appendChild!(this.fiber.stateNode, child.fiber!.stateNode)
} else {
this.__hostConfig.appendChildToContainer(this.__containerInfo, child.__vnode!.stateNode)
this.hostConfig.appendChildToContainer!(this.containerInfo, child.fiber!.stateNode)
return super.appendChild(node)
insertBefore<T extends Node>(node: T, beforeNode: Node | null): T {
const child = node as unknown as PreactFiber
const beforeChild = beforeNode as unknown as PreactFiber
if (this.__vnode) {
this.__hostConfig.insertBefore(this.__vnode.stateNode, child.__vnode!.stateNode, beforeChild.__vnode!.stateNode)
const child = node as unknown as FiberNode
const beforeChild = beforeNode as unknown as FiberNode
if (this.fiber) {
this.hostConfig.insertBefore!(this.fiber.stateNode, child.fiber!.stateNode, beforeChild.fiber!.stateNode)
} else {
this.hostConfig.insertInContainerBefore!(this.containerInfo, child.fiber!.stateNode, beforeChild.fiber!.stateNode)
return super.insertBefore(node, beforeNode)
removeChild<T extends Node>(node: T): T {
const child = node as unknown as PreactFiber
if (this.__vnode) {
this.__hostConfig.removeChild(this.__vnode.stateNode, child.__vnode!.stateNode)
const child = node as unknown as FiberNode
if (this.fiber) {
this.hostConfig.removeChild!(this.fiber.stateNode, child.fiber!.stateNode)
} else {
this.__hostConfig.removeChildFromContainer(this.__containerInfo, child.__vnode!.stateNode)
this.hostConfig.removeChildFromContainer!(this.containerInfo, child.fiber!.stateNode)
return super.removeChild(node)

interface InternalOptions extends Options {
__b: Options['diffed']

let id!: string

export default function PreactReconciler(__hostConfig: HostConfig): Reconciler {
const options = _options as {
vnode?(fiber: Fiber): void
unmount?(fiber: Fiber): void
diffed?(fiber: Fiber): void
event?(event: Event): any
requestAnimationFrame?(callback: () => void): void
debounceRendering?(callback: () => void): void
useDebugValue?(value: string | number): void
__h(component: Component, index: number, type: number): void // HOOK
__b(fiber: Fiber): void // DIFF
__r(fiber: Fiber): void // RENDER
__e(error: any, fiber: Fiber, oldFiber: Fiber): void // CATCH_ERROR

export default function PreactReconciler(hostConfig: HostConfig) {
// Inject custom reconciler runtime
if (!id) {
customElements.define((id = 'preact-fiber'), PreactFiber)
customElements.define((id = 'preact-fiber'), FiberNode)

const options = _options as InternalOptions

const _diff = options.__b
options.__b = (vnode: Fiber) => {
// On first run, link managed nodes
if (typeof vnode.type === 'string') {
let container = vnode.__container
if (!container) {
let root = vnode.__
// Link managed nodes on first run
const DIFF = options.__b
options.__b = (fiber) => {
if (typeof fiber.type === 'string') {
if (!fiber.container) {
let root = fiber.__
while (root.__) root = root.__
container = vnode.__container = root.__c.__P

const HostConfig = container.__hostConfig
if (HostConfig) {
vnode.__type = vnode.type
vnode.type = id
vnode.props.__vnode = vnode
vnode.props.__hostConfig = HostConfig
fiber.container = root.__c?.__P!

if (fiber.container.hostConfig) {
fiber.__type = fiber.type
fiber.type = id
fiber.props.fiber = fiber

const _diffed = options.diffed
options.diffed = (vnode: Fiber) => {
// Create and link managed instances
const container = vnode.__container
const HostConfig = container?.__hostConfig
const containerInfo = container?.__containerInfo
// Commit and reconcile props
const DIFFED = options.diffed
options.diffed = (fiber) => {
const container = fiber.container
const HostConfig = container?.hostConfig
const containerInfo = container?.containerInfo
if (HostConfig) {
// Traverse up and build tree
let next = vnode
while (next) {
const node = next
if (node.__type && !node.stateNode) {
node.type = node.__type
delete node.__type
delete node.props.__vnode
delete node.props.__hostConfig
node.stateNode = HostConfig.createInstance(node.type, node.props, containerInfo, null, vnode)
let ref = node.ref
Object.defineProperty(node, 'ref', {
get() {
return ref
set(value) {
ref = (self) => {
const publicInstance = self === null ? null : HostConfig.getPublicInstance(node.stateNode)
if (value && 'current' in value) value.current = publicInstance
else value?.(publicInstance)
node.ref = ref
next = next.__

// On first run, finalize instance
if (!vnode.memoizedProps) {
const pending = HostConfig.finalizeInitialChildren(vnode.stateNode, vnode.type, vnode.props, containerInfo)
if (pending) HostConfig.commitMount(vnode.stateNode, vnode.type, vnode.props, vnode)
if (!fiber.memoizedProps) {
const pending = HostConfig.finalizeInitialChildren(
if (pending) HostConfig.commitMount!(fiber.stateNode, fiber.type, fiber.props, fiber)
} else {
// On subsequent runs, reconcile props
const update = HostConfig.prepareUpdate(
// A payload was specified, update instance
if (update)
HostConfig.commitUpdate(vnode.stateNode, update, vnode.type, vnode.memoizedProps, vnode.props, vnode)
HostConfig.commitUpdate!(fiber.stateNode, update, fiber.type, fiber.memoizedProps, fiber.props, fiber)

vnode.memoizedProps = { ...vnode.props }
fiber.memoizedProps = { ...fiber.props }

return {
createContainer(__containerInfo) {
return Object.assign(document.createElement(id), { __containerInfo, __hostConfig })
createContainer<T>(containerInfo: T): FiberNode<T> {
return Object.assign(document.createElement(id), { containerInfo, hostConfig })
updateContainer(element, root) {
render(element, root)
updateContainer<T>(element: ComponentChild, container: FiberNode<T>): void {
render(element, container)
createPortal() {
_children: ComponentChild,
_containerInfo: any,
_implementation: any,
_key?: string | null,
): ComponentChild {
return null // TODO
injectIntoDevTools() {},
injectIntoDevTools(_devToolsConfig: any): any {},

export * from './types'

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