It installs pnp4nagios graphs, also configures emails to generic services and generic_host to send emails with pnp4n perl script by Frank Migge.
Ubuntu: ok Debian: ok RedHat: No
Add to your host_vars or group_vars:
nagios_server_pnp4n_smpt_domain: ''
nagios_server_pnp4n_email_customer: 'COMPANY, Address'
Minimum usage:
- hosts: servers
- ANXS.mysql
- nagios_server
- nagios_server_pnp4nagios
See requirements.yml for some example on names of the roles.
Most of them could be
instead of just name, but the example is with names simplified.
- name: apply Nagios settings
hosts: nagios4_servers
become: yes
become_method: sudo
- { role: nagios4_server, tags: ["install", "nagios4_server_all", "nagios4_server"] }
- { role: nagios4_server_plugins, tags: ["install", "nagios4_server_all", "nagios4_server_plugins"] }
- { role: nagios4_server_pnp4nagios, tags: ["install", "nagios4_server_all", "nagios4_server_pnp4nagios"] }
- { role: nagios4_server_snmptrap, tags: ["install", "nagios4_server_all", "nagios4_server_snmptrap"] }
- { role: ANXS.mysql, tags: ["install", "nagios4_server_all", "nagios4_server_thruk", "ANXS.mysql"] }
- { role: nagios4_server_thruk, tags: ["install", "nagios4_server_all", "nagios4_server_thruk"] }
- { role: postfix_client, tags: ["install", "nagios4_server_all", "postfix_client"] }
# Additional tags: role/tag
# nagios4_server - config_nagios
# nagios4_server - nagios4_server_main_config
# nagios4_server - config_nagios_cron
# nagios4_server_plugins - config_nagios_plugins
# nagios4_server_plugins - test_nagios_plugins
# nagios4_server_pnp4nagios - test_nagios_pnp4nagios
# nagios4_server_thruk - config_nagios_thruk_cron
# nagios4_server_thruk - test_nagios_thruk
# nagios4_server_thruk_git - config_nagios_thruk_git_cron
Something similar to this could happen in some graphs:
You can delete the .rrd file for each graph you have problems or you can delete last 200 found in log, like:
tail -n 200 /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/perfdata.log | grep "update ERROR" | while read line ; do echo "$line" | cut -d" " -f 7 | tr -d ":" | xargs rm; done
An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).