Releases: Coflnet/SkyblockMod
➡️ Added hotkey to get options for the currently held item
➡️ Fixed Lore extension on items without uuid but different rarities
➡️ Made it possible to add new hotkeys via the server
➡️ Added command suggestions for /cofl _
, /cofl set _
and /fc ... _
➡️ Added Chest location when opening a real chest to be able to find it later.
➡️ Added support for copy from chat and suggest into chat input
➡️ Fixed auto restart when rejoning hypixel
➡️ Fixed Cofl BinGui opening on claiming auction
➡️ Fixed issues with directories in mods folder
➡️ Now properly ignoring unkown commands
➡️ Fixed request proxying
➡️ Fixed description issues on Rune items
➡️ Fixed re-connection loops
➡️ Renamed CoflNet (company name) to SkyCofl (product name)
➡️ Added ModVersion to Minecraft mod overview
➡️ Mod auto-start is now also active in (some) lobbies to allow chat reading for daily rewards
➡️ Moved /cofl
help text to be loaded from server
➡️ Updated signatures to sha256 to be compatible with
➡️ Added capability to highlight items, thanks @nea89o
➡️ Prevent switching lore on auctions
➡️ Improved reconnect speed
➡️ Fixed open-best hotkey from triggering repeatedly
➡️ fix cursor not being grabbed after gui reset
➡️ Improved connection error note
switched out jar for updated one
➡️ Fixed Item Descriptions not updating in Trade menu
➡️ Fixed cancel button causing bugs
➡️ Fix openAuctionGUI is not a known command
➡️ Fixed GUI incompatibility with NEU
➡️ /fc toggle
allows you to send all chat messages to cofl chat
➡️ Adopted TFM purchase gui /cofl setgui tfm
➡️ Cofl purchase gui /cofl setgui cofl
(turn off with /cofl setgui off
➡️ Mod now detects dungeons, ironman, bingo and stranded and turns of flip messages if ah is unavailable
➡️ Extended session lengths
➡️ Optimized description loading
➡️ Optimized chat based events
➡️ Fix another purse parsing bug
1.4.4 Alpha
➡️ Fix Adjust to purse above int limit
➡️ Fix Descriptions for Pets and other technically stackable items getting mixed up
➡️ Adds support for api/web requests
➡️ Creating a bug report will now include used mods to better fix compatability issues