This project serves as a showcase of my endpoint testing skills while also providing a fully controlled testing environment. It involves interactions with Docker and Jenkins, enabling efficient and automated testing workflows.
While the endpoint code and tests are good to go, I'm still working on Docker and Jenkins integration. They're currently under research and development.
Java: 21
Maven: 3.9.4+
This project utilizes the following technologies, libraries, and frameworks for development and testing:
Database: PostgreSQL
Testing Frameworks:
- JUnit 5
- Rest-assured
- JSON Schema Validator
Persistence and Data Validation:
- Hibernate Core 6
- Hibernate Validator
- Jakarta EL and Jakarta EL API: Used for Expression Language support.
- Jakarta Validation API: Used for validation.
Other Dependencies:
- Lombok
- Jackson Databind: Used for JSON serialization/deserialization.
- Javalin: Used for building web services.
- JavaFaker
Testing Report Framework:
- Allure JUnit5
For project working, environment postgresql.dev.uri in property file need to be updated to local ip address (IPv4 Address).
Console command to find local ip address: ipconfig
path: src/main/resources/properties/dev.properties
To build application jar:
mvn package -DskipTests
To run tests from console
docker attach [container name]
To execute JUnit tests from the console:
Run all tests:
mvn test
Run a specific test package:
mvn test -Dtest="pathToTestPackage.**"
Run a specific test class:
mvn test -Dtest="TestClassName"
Run a specific test method:
mvn test -Dtest="TestClassName#TestMethodName"
Run tests with specific tags:
mvn clean test -Dgroups="tagName1, tagName2"
│ ├───java
│ │ └───org
│ │ └───beerinfo
│ │ ├───config
│ │ ├───db
│ │ ├───dto
│ │ │ ├───api
│ │ │ │ ├───beer
│ │ │ │ └───brewery
│ │ │ └───data
│ │ ├───entity
│ │ ├───enums
│ │ ├───handlers
│ │ │ ├───beer
│ │ │ └───brewery
│ │ ├───mapper
│ │ ├───service
│ │ └───utils
│ └───resources
│ ├───META-INF
│ ├───properties
│ └───sqlscripts
│ └───api
│ ├───api_specifications
│ ├───beer_service
│ ├───breweries_service
│ ├───conversion
│ ├───db_query
│ ├───extensions
│ │ ├───annotation
│ │ │ ├───beer
│ │ │ └───brewery
│ │ └───resolver
│ ├───pojo
│ │ ├───request
│ │ └───response
│ │ ├───beer
│ │ └───brewery
│ ├───request
│ └───test_utils
│ └───data_generators