Public code release for Mill & Cole 2023: "Neural representation dynamics reveal computational principles of cognitive task learning"
Author: Ravi Mill ([email protected])
Includes the Matlab (v2019a) function quantify_rule_type_subject.m, which quantifies the strength of compositional and conjunctive neural representations in block-to-block fMRI regional activations evoked by the C-PRO2 paradigm. The remaining files included with the repository are required for the function to run (see details below).
Top of the main function provides a detailed description of the function, as well as input and output variables.
- Connectome workbench must be installed and accessible to your system path, including the command line version (wb_command),
- (Included with the repo) Relevant files from Matlab Gifti toolbox, allowing for opening (ciftiopen) and saving (ciftisave and ciftisavereset) HCP CIFTI files
- (Included with the repo) CAB-NP network partition .dlabel file (CortexSubcortex_ColeAnticevic_NetPartition_wSubcorGSR_parcels_LR.dlabel.nii) from that links vertex/voxel data to affiliated Glasser atlas regions
- Example data to test code execution: i) Behavioral data for one subject is provided in the data/ subdirectory, ii) fMRI vertexwise task activation data for one subject, which also needs to be stored in the data/ subdirectory, but needs to be downloaded first from this access link
Note that running the function on the supplied example data for one subject on the Rutgers Amarel HPC cluster (2x Intel Xeon Gold 6338 Processors (48MB cache, 2.0GHz), 1 CPU requested, 80GB memory) takes ~114 seconds for execution.