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Coloring Scheme

Oded Leiba edited this page Nov 13, 2016 · 68 revisions

In this section we describe how the new colored coins protocol encodes asset issuance and transfer, loosely referred to as "coloring" bitcoins.

❛Coloring❜ Bitcoin Transactions

The new colored coins protocol uses two types of Bitcoin OP_CODES to store asset manipulation instructions on top of the Bitcoin blockchain.


Soon after the advent of Bitcoin, users started to look for [ways to embed data on the Bitcoin Blockchain](Data Storage Methods), some of which were less than ideal from the Bitcoin network's perspective. To accommodate that need, support for a new OP_CODE was added. This OP_CODE called OP_RETURN was especially designed for storing small amounts of arbitrary data on the Bitcoin blockchain.

At the moment of writing, the Bitcoin network accepts transactions with at most one OP_RETURN output of the form

 OP_RETURN <up to 80 bytes of arbitrary data>

All asset manipulation data is stored after the OP_RETURN command. However, since the protocol supports adding arbitrary amounts of metadata stored in Torrents we may need extra room to store the SHA1 torrent info_hash and (optionally) the SHA-256 of the metadata itself to allow verification of the torrent data. In those cases we encode the remaining data in an extra multisig output.

Multisignature Addresses (multisig)

In general Bitcoin allows m out of N multisignature addresses with m<N such that m signatures are needed in order to redeem the script.

Multisignature addresses are not meant to be used for encoding data on the blockchain and have several [disadvantages](Data Storage Methods#1-of-n-multisig-address) in that regard. Since we do not want to put a permanent burden on the memory of nodes in the Bitcoin network we use multisig addresses of the form 1 out of N. This way we can quickly spend that single UTXO (so that miners can remove it from the list of UTXOs kept in memory) and use the remaining N-1 public key slots (32 bytes each) to encode data. In what follows we use the following shorthand notation to denote 1 out of N multisig addresses:

(1|N) = 1 out of N mulitisig address

Currently, the colored coins protocol only uses (1|2) and (1|3) multisig addresses where needed. It is possible in theory to add more data using higher (1|N) multisig with N>3 but at the moment we avoid that extra complexity and resort to using an additional output if despite our compressed [transfer instructions](Transfer Instructions) we still run out of space with one OP_RETURN and a (1|3) multisig.

The new colored coins protocol supports adding (potentially unlimited amounts of) metadata to colored transaction (issuance or transfer). Adding metadata is strictly optional.

The metadata is not stored directly on the blockchain but rather stored in plain JSON format using torrents. Torrents give a decentralized way to share and store data.

Blockchain Data Recording logic

We start by trying to fit everything into the 80 bytes available after the OP_RETURN command.

  • Without metadata there is always enough room to fit all asset manipulation instructions after the OP_RETURN.
  • With metadata we always have the SHA1 torrent info_hash that needs to be recorded on the blockchain.
  • If SHA-256 of the metadata is not required for verification, the SHA1 torrent info_hash is always encoded inside the OP_RETURN.
  • If a SHA-256 of the metadata is required, there cannot be enough room for it and the SHA1 torrent info_hash inside the 80 bytes OP_RETURN and therefore the SHA-256 hash must go into a multisig address.
    • If we have enough room left within the available 80 bytes in the OP_RETURN for the SHA1 torrent info_hash then we use a (1|2) multisig address for storing the SHA-256 of the metadata.
    • Otherwise, when we cannot fit the SHA1 torrent info_hash into the OP_RETURN, both the SHA-256 of the metadata and the SHA1 torrent info_hash are encoded in a (1|3) multisig address.

Asset Manipulating Transactions

The new colored coins protocol implementation uses two types of asset manipulation transactions:

Issuance (and transfer) transactions

In an issuance transaction a new asset is created and many of the asset's attributes are being determined. Optionally, we can also transfer assets during an issuance transaction (even assets created in that very transaction).

Transfer only transactions

A transaction where only asset transfer occurs, no issuance.

Burn transactions

In a burn transaction, a specified amount is being reduced from the total supply of an asset, i.e. these units are being "burned" and will not be available for further transfer. Optionally, we can also transfer assets during a burn transaction.

Issuance Transaction Encoding

Bytes Description Comments Stored in
2 Protocol Identifier 0x4343 ASCII representation of the string CC ("Colored Coins") OP_RETURN
1 Version Number Currently 0x02 OP_RETURN
20 SHA1 Torrent Hash (optional), only when metadata is included OP_RETURN
or (1|3) Multisig
32 SHA256 of metadata (optional), only when metadata is included
Allows for torrent metadata verification
or (1|2) or (1|3) Multisig
1-7 Amount of issued units Encoded with the [Encoding Scheme](Number Encoding) OP_RETURN
2-9 (per
[Transfer Instruction](Transfer Instructions) Encoding the flow of assets from inputs to outputs OP_RETURN
1 Issuance Flags At the moment only 6 bits are used OP_RETURN

Transfer Transaction Encoding

Bytes Description Comments Stored in
2 Protocol Identifier 0x4343 ASCII representation of the string CC ("Colored Coins") OP_RETURN
1 Version Number Currently 0x02 OP_RETURN
20 SHA1 Torrent Hash (optional), only when metadata is included OP_RETURN
or (1|3) Multisig
32 SHA256 of metadata (optional), only when metadata is included
Allows for torrent metadata verification
or (1|2) or (1|3) Multisig
2-9 (per
[Transfer Instruction](Transfer Instructions) Encoding the flow of assets from inputs to outputs OP_RETURN

Burn Transaction Encoding

Identical to Transfer transaction encoding, only that it uses Burn OP_CODEs instead of a Transfer OP_CODE. Also, the [Transfer Instructions](Transfer Instructions) will be interpreted differently under a specific encoding to allow the burn itself.


The number of issued units. A signed integer ranging from 1..10,000,000,000,000,000 (10^16) encoded with our [Encoding Scheme](Number Encoding).

* Relevant only in the case of an issuance transaction
* Due to a bug in the original implementation, CC version 0x01 interprets the encoded amount as (amount / 10^divisiblity)

Issuance Flags

This flags specify some extra information about a newly issued asset. At the moment only 6 bits are used (the remaining two reserved for future uses)

* Relevant only in the case of an issuance transaction

Asset Divisibility

Asset can be assigned an integer that denotes their divisibility. For example

  • divisibility:0 corresponds to integers (1, 2, 3, etc...)
  • divisibility:1 corresponds to divisibility of up to 1 decimal point (Numbers like 0.1, 0.9, 1.5, etc...)
  • divisibility:3 corresponds to divisibility of up to 3 decimal points (Numbers like 0.001, 0.999, 123.456, etc...)

Thus, if you issue 100 units of an asset with divisibility 0, you can send any integer amount (like 1 or 99 units) but you can also issue 100 whole units, and send 0.01 or 9.99 of that asset: with amount = 100,000 and divisibility = 2. As an analogy, Bitcoin can be thought of as an asset with 21x10^14 units and divisibility 8 (the smallest indivisible units are Satoshis).

Asset Aggregation Policy

Asset instances can differ from each other in their accumulated metadata, which can be attached to any issuance or transfer throughout an asset colored transactions path.
An example for such use case can be an issuance of some amount of a movies theater tickets, where the row and seat numbers which are described in the asset's metadata, individualize each ticket. Such assets are called dispersed. The [encoding of transfer instructions](Transfer Instructions) must treat each instance of such assets identified by a different accumulated metadata, with a separate transfer instruction. That enforces keeping the different asset instances unique.
On the other hand, all asset units may be considered the same. For example, all units of an asset representing a currency coin are equal (as Bitcoin). Such assets are called aggregatable. The encoding of transfer instructions may aggregate instances of such assets into a single transfer instruction, require less space in the OP_RETURN, and as effect a union of these instances will be created and all units within it will be unified as the same. The 2-bit codes for each policy are as follows:

Aggregation Policy Code
aggregatable 0x00
hybrid 0x01
dispersed 0x02

* Note: hybrid is an intermediate aggregation policy and currently a placeholder for future use.


The Issuance or Transfer OP_CODEs to be executed during the processing of the transaction.

Asset processing capacity per transaction

Note that the amount of assets that can be transferred in one transaction varies according to a number of parameters. For example, if we have no metadata and all transfers use the minimum of 2 bytes, we may process up to 38 transfer instructions in a single transfer transaction and up to 37 (provided the issued amount can be encoded with 1 byte) in a single issuance transaction.

In fact, the theoretical limit is much higher, due to our novel [encoding of transfer instructions](Transfer Instructions) which sends all unaccounted assets to the last output (similar to how miners fee work in Bitcoin). With this encoding, special cases can in principle be constructed where 1 transfer transaction processes an unlimited amount of assets, determined only by the asset content of the inputs.

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