released this
16 Jun 06:25
6893 commits
to Development
since this release
Combat Extended 4.7 “Superior Firepower”
- Added support for VFE: Security long range artillery bombardment.
- Added apparel and armor autopatcher.
- Added gun autopatcher.
- New textures and shaderType for melee shields.
- Fixed the melee shield rendering with the incorrect shaderType.
- Fixed a bug where FSX and Promethum weren’t exploding when damaged.
- Fixed an issue where the unfinishedThingDef of ‘Steeled’ items was sometimes appearing made of inappropriate materials.
- Fixed an issue with apparel armor when using Generic Ammo mode.
- Fixed some odd behavior related to the mech ammo beacon from mechanoid sieges.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
o Antinium
o Bori race
o Edge of Descension
o Erin's Viera
o Mechanized Armor Set
o Mechanoid Bench 3
o Miho, the Celestial Fox
o Moyo - Light in the Abyss
o Reinforced Mechanoids: Tyrikan-Line
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Makeshift
o WarCasket Gundam Addon
o Yet Another Prosthetic Expansion Mod - Core - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics
o Alpha Animals
o Androids
o Anima Animals - Community Pack
o Anima Animals
o Arachne Race
o Combat Enthusiast's Collection
o Dragons Descent
o Erin's Au Ra
o Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - Forked
o Erin's Critter Collection
o High Caliber
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Insectoids
o [FSF] Advanced Bionics Expansion
o Vanilla Armour Expanded
o Vanilla Animals Expanded
o The Joris Experience
o Starship Troopers Arachnids
o [LF] Red Dawn
o Magical Menagerie
o Mechanite Plague
o Medieval Overhaul
o Midworld Weaponry Expanded
o Moyo from the Depth
o [Pratt] WWII Weapons Pack (Vanilla)
o Rambo Weapons Pack
o Red Horse Faction Collection
o Rimfire
o Rimmu-Nation – Weapons
o Rimsenal Collection
o Save Our Ship 2
o Soviet Armory
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Pirates
o Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings
o Vanilla Furniture Expanded – Security
o Vanilla Ideology Expanded – Dryads
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Frontier
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy Weapons
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Quickdraw
- Various adjustments to fragmentation; speed, damage, gravity factor, and explosion angle.
- Removed various unnecessary patches to animal body size.
- Gave humans back their bite attack.
- Decreased flak cannon cooldown and warmup times.
- The Shooting Frenzy inspiration now gives +20% aiming accuracy.
- Explosions now have a three-times multiplier to the suppression they create.
- Melee criticials now automatically do max damage.
- Ideology:
o The Combat Command aura now also applies melee hit chance and shooting accuracy buffs.
o The Berserker ability now gives bonuses to melee parry, critical, dodge, and hit chance.
o Reduced the Shooting Specialist role’s shooting accuracy buff from 3 to 2, but added a 30% buff to aiming accuracy.
o Reduced the Melee Specialist’s role hit chance buff from 3 to 2, but increased the dodge chance buff by 12%, added a 10% crit chance buff, and a 20% parry chance buff. - Royalty:
o Added accuracy bonuses to the Gunlink.
- Updated textures for turrets and RPG-7 ammunition.
- Removed various unused textures from release version to reduce file size.
- Added translation keys to loading screen tips.
- Added translation keys to the bipod gizmo labels.
- EMP grenades can no longer be smelted.
- Added .227 Fury ammo.
- Revised FSX synthesizing recipes.
- Adjusted visual position of Advanced Ammo research.
- Various stat description and tooltip revisions.
- Added recipes for smaller quantities of some rockets and disposable launchers.
- Added the ‘RangedHeavy’ weaponClass to the grenade launcher and disposable rocket launcher.
- Increased market value of the disposable rocket launcher.
- Changed the javelin’s unfinishedThingDef.
- Swapped out all uses of the ‘BiteBlunt’ tool capacity for ‘Bite,’ as the former was skewing DPS calculations. There should be no functional difference in combat.
- Made some improvements to turret reloading behavior for non-player faction pawns. Besiegers should no longer cross the map to grab ammo.
- Added a warning for cases when the weapon toughness autopatcher fails.
- Royalty:
o Added a 0.85 fill value to the Defoliator.
o Reduced the gloomlight fill from 0.6 to 0.35.
- Removed integrated patch for ‘[Cosplay equipment] Blue archive,’ as the mod now incorporates its own patch.
- The Better Loading mod has been marked as incompatible for the time being, due to some changes it makes to the game’s initialization process. We’re told Better Loading has a fix for this issue in the works.
- Removed obsolete ModSync file from About.