387 commits
to Development
since this release
Combat Extended 6.2 “Randy-Claus is Coming to Town!”
- Significant performance improvements related to pawn rendering, repairing mechanoid armor, suppression, and line of sight calculations. Most noticeable when dealing with large raids or colonies.
- Sieges can now be supplied with any kind of shells, instead of being restricted to the vanilla shell types, providing support for a much wider variety of siege weapons.
- New conditional patch operations Generic Ammo mode only xpath patch operations.
- Faster Subsequent Shots in now enabled by default, significantly increasing the effectiveness of single-firing weapons in combat in the hands of a skilled shooter.
- This can be turned off in the mod options, if desired.
- Fixed a bug where ammo would still be consumed despite the burst being interrupted by moving CompAmmoUser from
.- Mod authors with custom projectiles will need to recompile against the latest version of Combat Extended.
- A placeholder has been added to hopefully prevent issues on release, but this will be removed during the upcoming dev cycle.
- Fixed a JobGiver error caused when pawns tried to reload using a stack of burning ammo.
- Reverted a pawn rendering change causing weapons to “jitter” while firing.
- Puddles of prometheum will no longer endlessly burn on water.
- Addressed a vanilla bug that meant turrets in dropdown menus ignored research prerequisities.
- Fix armor values incorrectly appearing as zero on the equipment tab.
- Fix an inventory issue hiding cargo in a caravan animal’s inventory if they did not have an armor value.
- Fixed a bug that caused firing mode options to disappear on underbarrel weapons.
- Mech siege ammo beacons will now correctly drop ammo once the mech cluster is awake.
- Fixed odd visual behavior from overhead projectiles like mortar shells.
- Added additional null checks to loadout behavior to avoid colonists refusing to pick up any meal.
- Various fixes to artillery shelling retaliation behavior.
- Fixed errors associated with retaliatory bombardment trying to spawn on maps that no longer exist, like caravan ambush sites.
- NPC bases of different factions are now more likely to cease firing, instead of endlessly counter-shelling each other to oblivion if the player bombards them from their base site.
- NPC bases of the same faction will no longer counter-shell allied NPC bases, and will instead always send a raid.
- Heavy Auto Turrets research project no longer requires the Multi-analyzer.
- Fixed various mechs not having armor coverage on a few body parts such as the sight and hearing sensors.
- Removed an old harmony patch that caused an error when a pawn with an empty weapon tried to automatically attack a nearby hostile.
- Fixed some insects not having armor coverage applied to their legs.
- Fixed various typos.
- Non-cased artillery shells no longer spawn empty shell casings when firing.
- Melee attacks will no longer cause walls to spawn fragments.
- Fixed mech high shields not stopping incoming mortar shells.
- Slightly increased the tribal penitent’s weaponMoney to prevent them spawning weaponless.
- Anomaly
- Fixed a typo in the pain shock threshold of various entities and fleshbeasts which made it 10x higher than intended.
- Biotech
- The 164x284mm demo shell is now craftable at the fabrication bench with Biotech active.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
- [AV] Work Queen
- ABF Civil Synstructs
- ABF Martial Synstructs
- ABF Synstruct Biomimetics
- ABF Synstructs Core
- ABF Utility Synstructs
- Beliar Xenotype
- Diverse Mechanoid War Procedure
- Epoch - Pyrinth
- Grimstone Beasts
- Grimworld 40,000– Talons of the Emperor
- Hyena (Continued)
- Ion Weaponry
- Mantis Race
- Personal Warcasket Weapons
- Rimrats
- Robotic Servitude
- Spacer Arsenal
- Spacer Pack
- Warhammer 40k Factions
- Valorant Weapon Pack
- Vanilla Psycasts Expanded – Runesmith
- Xen’s Spirit Wolf
- Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
- [K4G] Empires of Old – Core
- [K4G] Empires of Old - The Alekeepers
- Alpha Animals
- Alpha Genes
- Alpha Mechs
- Altered Carbon Ultratech Unleashed
- Archotech PowerArmor
- Big and Small Genes & More
- Biomes Caverns
- Dragon’s Descent
- EPOE-Forked: Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering – Forked
- Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering
- Expanded Materials – Metals
- Grimworld 40,000
- Angels of Death
- Core Imperialis
- Hammer of the Imperium
- Imperial Vehicles of Grimworld
- Outer Rim
- Droid Depot
- Galactic Empire
- Mandalore
- Rebel Alliance
- Profaned
- Rimsenal Core
- Rimsenal Federation
- Rimsenal Feral
- Vanilla Animals Expanded
- Vanilla Arsenal
- Vanilla Base Generation Expanded
- Vanilla Factions Expanded
- Ancients
- Classical
- Deserters
- Insectoids 2
- Mechanoids
- Settlers
- Tribals
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded – Security
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Lycanthrope
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Frontier
- Warcaskets – Adeptus Astartes
- Warhammer 40k Genes
- NPC bases are now less likely to counter-shell the more damaged they are.
- Buffed the Flak Gun. It now provides full cover and takes reduced damage from explosions and bullets.
- Removed wildness reductions made to various combat animals.
- Replaced the power claw’s moving stat penalty with penalties to dodge and move speed.
- New texture for the revolver, and adjusted stats to suit a model with a slightly longer barrel.
- Gave the radio pack wornBulk of 2.5.
- Anomaly
- Inhumanization now reduces suppressibility by 50%.
- Biotech
- Increased the magazine size and rate of fire of the Toxic Needle Gun.
- Removed adjustments to the pikeman mech’s combat power.
- Royalty
- Replaced moving stat penalty of the drill arm and field hand with penalties to dodge and move speed.
- Added generic ammo for various mortars and artillery shells.
- Adjusted the textures and offsets for various weapons.
- Removed uses of ‘CombatExtended.Graphic_StackCountRanged’ by generic ammo types.
- Add tools to melee dinfo.
- Various small changes to improve Multiplayer stability.
- Tweaked some labels and descriptions for the NVG research projects.
- Added and updated various new shared ammo types for use by 40k mods.
- Added new ammo sprites for Soviet Battle Rifle calibers.
- Reduced the volume range for the battle rifle and slow assault rifle firing sounds.
- Removed unused Natural armor entry and display stat in the pawn info window.
- The grenade launcher now only produces casings while reloading.
- Updated the Simplified Chinese and Russian translations.
- Miscellaneous housekeeping and whitespace clean up.
- Moved the static method from launching CE projectiles out of the vehicle compat assembly into the core mod to make it more accessible.
- Warning messages for retaliatory raids now state their target site, in case the shelling originated somewhere other than the player’s base.
- Switched the weapon graphicData to use vanilla scaling.
- Biotech
- Removed the Armory Durability comp from the Legionary and Tesseron to avoid duplication, they now inherit it from their parent.
- Removed a few outdated patches for mods that aren’t available for 1.5: Android Tiers – TX Series, Android Tiers SM7 Overhaul.