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TESSA Backend

Getting Started

1. Configure a GitHub OAuth app

Users log into TESSA with GitHub. Every developer should create their own OAuth app in GitHub to develop against. To do that, follow these steps.

  1. Go to
  2. Click the "New OAuth App" button.
  3. Enter the following data, then click the "Register application" button.
    • Application name: TESSA Development
    • Homepage URL: http://localhost:3000/
    • Application description: TESSA local development.
    • Authorization callback URL: http://localhost:8484/auth/github/oauth/callback
  4. In your local clone of this repo, create a copy of the file .env.example and name it .env.
  5. On the Settings / Developer settings / TESSA Development page, copy the "Client ID" and paste the value after GITHUB_CLIENT_ID= in the .env file.
  6. Then, click the "Generate a new client secret" button, copy the secret, and paste it after GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET= in the .env file.

2. Start the Postgres database

TESSA uses a Postgres database. For convenience, a docker-compose.yml file has been created to run a development database with the preconfigured environment. To start the database, simply run:

docker-compose up

3. Install dependencies and run the server

TESSA Backend is a Node.js app. To improve compatibility, it should only be run against the version of Node.js specified in the .nvmrc file. If you have NVM installed, to use the correct version of Node, run:

nvm use

With the right version of node installed, the next step is to install the dependencies. To do that, run:

npm install

Finally, run the server with:

npm start

Production environment

To set up your local environment with access to AWS and Kubernetes, run:


This script will open a web browser and prompt you to log in with your Commit account, and then will configure an AWS profile and a Kubernetes context.



The configuration of the application in Kubernetes uses and is run by the CI pipeline. The configuration is in the /kubernetes directory. Once the CI pipeline is finished, you can see the pod status on kubernetes in the tessa-backend namespace:

kubectl -n tessa-backend get pods

GitHub Actions

Pull Request

Pull requests run a workflow which runs unit tests and checks the code for lint before permitting PRs to be merged.

To check your code before merging, use the following commands.

Run unit tests with Jest.

npm test

Check formatting with Prettier.

npm run format

Check for lint with ESLint.

npm run lint

Automatically fix formatting errors.

npm run format:fix

Automatically fix some lint errors.

npm run lint:fix


This repository has an end-to-end CI/CD pipeline that runs whenever new commits are pushed to the main branch. It includes the following steps.

  1. Checkout
  2. Unit test
  3. Build image
  4. Upload Image to ECR
  5. Deploy image to cluster

Pull requests also run a workflow which runs unit tests, and checks the code for lint before permitting PRs to be merged.