Collection of manually curated LINEs, SINEs and DDE/D-related consensus sequences extracted from bivalve genomes.
e.g: LINE_A.i.concentricus_9_cons#LINE/CR1-Zenon
- RepeatMasker annotation of TE using species-specific automatically generated libraries.
- Extension, Extraction and transaltion of all annotated insertions (min ORF length = 300 aa).
- Selection of all ORFs with a significant hmmscan hit (e-value < 0.05) against LINE-specific RVT HMM profiles or against DDE/D-related HMM profiles (specific for each DDE/D superfamily, as described in Yuan and Wessler, (2011)).
- Clustering of all ORF nucleotide sequecens following the 80-80 rule (CD-HIT).
- Identification of clusters with at least 5 members (for LINEs we also required that at least one sequence posses both RVT and EN domains on the same ORF)
- Back blastn of each rapresentative sequence against the genome (min 70% identity and coverage), extension and extraction of all hits.
- Consensus construction using EMBOSS cons (plurality of 3) followed by manual curation and validation.
- Merging all libraries and reduce redundancy (CD-HIT; 80-80 rule)
For SINEs elements we selected 12 species for in-depth SINEs annotation using SINE_Scan. SINEs candidates resulting from RepeatModeler and SINE_Scan were merged and subjected to a "Blast-Extend-Extract" process to identify boundaries of the elements and confirm the presence of a 3' tRNA-related head, a conserved domain and a 5' tail.
- Potamilus streckersoni GCA_016746295.1 (NCBI).
- Megalonaias nervosa GCA_016617855.1 (NCBI).
- Solen grandis GCA_021229015.1 (NCBI).
- Sinonovacula constricta GCA_007844125.1 (NCBI).
- Dreissena rostriformis
- Archivesica marissinica GCA_014843695.1 (NCBI).
- Cyclina sinensis GCA_012932295.1 (NCBI).
- Mercenaria mercenaria GCA_014805675.1 (NCBI).
- Ruditapes philippinarum GCA_026571515.1 (NCBI).
- Anadara kagoshimensis GCA_021292105.1 (NCBI).
- Scapharca broughtonii
- Tegillarca granosa GCA_013375625.1 (NCBI).
- Myzuhopecten yessoensis GCF_002113885.1 (NCBI).
- Chlamys farreri
- Pecten maximus GCF_902652985.1 (NCBI).
- Argopecten irradians concentricus
- Argopecten purpuratus
- Pinctada fucata
- Saccostrea glomerata
- Crassostrea virginica GCF_002022765.2 (NCBI).
- Crassostrea ariakensis GCA_020567875.1 (NCBI).
- Crassostrea gigas GCF_902806645.1 (NCBI).
- Mytilus coruscus GCA_017311375.1 (NCBI).
- Mytilus edulis GCA_019925275.1 (NCBI).
- Limnoperna fortunei
- Modiolus philippinarum
- Bathymodiolus platifrons
IMPORTANT The RepeatMasker formatted-style classification for DDE/D and SINEs was automatically generated using RepeatClassifier from the RepeatModeler package and can therefore be innacurate. If you have any correction to suggest please contact [email protected]