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Releases: ConservationInternational/resilienceatlas


13 Jun 08:05
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RA2-249 Labels on the axes of the continuous analysis

  • RA2-250 FE - Add axis labels to the continuous analysis chart

RA2-247 FE - Layers on the map don't appear in same order as in the legend

RA2-248 FE - Remove option to hide and remove a layer from the legend in the journeys


30 May 09:33
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RA2-9 Render COG layers on the map

  • RA2-93 FE - Add new logic to fetch COG layers
  • RA2-103 SC - Update the configuration of the Land Cover example
  • RA2-117 BE - Automated deployment of lambda function
  • RA2-123 SC - Develop a lambda function for Titiler
  • RA2-124 FE - Add support for more complex interactivity object

RA2-13 Ability to submit feedback and suggestions

  • RA2-99 FE - Create form and connect to backend

RA2-15 Analysis for vector layers

  • RA2-228 SC - Prepare examples to test the feature
  • RA2-229 DE - Design the look of the visualisation
  • RA2-230 BE - Add new attribute to BO and API
  • RA2-231 FE - Implement the analysis of vector layers

RA2-16 Analysis for categorical COG datasets

  • RA2-201 SC - Create a notebook based on the Land cover layer
  • RA2-202 DE - Design a horizontal bar chart for the categorical analysis
  • RA2-232 IF - Provide an endpoint to perform the analysis of categorical COG layers
  • RA2-233 FE - Fetch and parse the data
  • RA2-234 FE - Implement the horizontal bar chart

RA2-17 Compare chronological data on the map

  • RA2-216 BE - Add new attributes to Layer form and API
  • RA2-235 SC - SC - Create examples for various providers to test the feature
  • RA2-236 DE - Design the time selection component
  • RA2-237 FE - Implement the logic to select a layer's date
  • RA2-238 FE - Implement a date picker
  • RA2-240 FE - Store the state of the temporal layers in the URL

RA2-19 Improve the loading time of the layers used in journeys

  • RA2-178 SC - Improve the loading time of Carto layers

RA2-44 Ability to edit the “Map” header menu from the back-office

  • RA2-177 FE - Update the style of menu items that are links

RA2-82 Ability to translate the feedback form

  • RA2-209 FE - Translate the form and send the locale to the API

RA2-126 Allow the analysis of COG layers

  • RA2-225 SC - Prepare a continuous COG layer for testing
  • RA2-226 BE - Add “Analysis type” attribute to BO and API
  • RA2-227 FE - Allow the analysis of continuous COG layer

RA2-160 Indicate when layers are loading on the map

  • RA2-180 FE - Loading indicator when layers are loading

RA2-197 Migrate the data of the layer model's info attribute and stop using it in the front-end

  • RA2-199 BE - Migrate production data
  • RA2-206 FE - Stop using the layer's info attribute


  • RA2-43 SC - Repair the interactivity feature using Google Cloud Function
  • RA2-46 SC - Resolve the ¼ point in the ocean at Equator/Prime Meridian
  • RA2-48 FE - Redirect to the main atlas
  • RA2-136 FE - Fix the profile edition
  • RA2-161 FE - Validate that unpublished journeys are not crawled by search engines
  • RA2-165 FE - FE - Remove temporal code of the static journeys
  • RA2-203 Research how to provide the analysis of vector layers
  • RA2-207 Research if some outdated Layer fields can be deleted
  • RA2-212 Research how the result of the analysis of a COG categorical dataset can use the layer's colours
  • RA2-220 FE - Madagascar's journey crashes when reaching the 6th slide
  • RA2-221 FE - Map's legend doesn't display all the layers in the journeys
  • RA2-239 FE - Investigate the effort to implement a datepicker
  • RA2-241 FE - Fix application crash that occurs specific journey slides
  • RA2-244 FE - Many maps of the India journey are not loading
  • RA2-246 FE - Improve cookie banner so that it doesn't overlap with the map tour


27 Apr 16:53
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This release contains hotfixes for v1.2.0:

  • RA2-218 FE - Domains without subdomains may get redirected to the map
  • RA2-219 FE - Unable to load journeys based on specific site scopes


27 Apr 16:03
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RA2-9 Migrate a few raster layers to COG format

  • RA2-115 BE - Support "cog" layer provider

RA2-10 Analytics migrated to GA4

  • RA2-145 BE - Remove analytics_code attribute from site_scopes table

RA2-13 Ability to submit feedback and suggestions

  • RA2-83 DE - Design of the feedback form
  • RA2-86 BE - API endpoint for recording responses from the feedback form
  • RA2-87 BE - Backoffice page for viewing responses from the feedback form
  • RA2-88 BE - Table to store responses from the feedback form

RA2-18 Multi-language support

  • RA2-95 FE - Install transifex
  • RA2-97 FE - Translate static content
  • RA2-98 FE - Translate dynamic content
  • RA2-159 FE - Implement language selector

RA2-21 Map tour at first visit

RA2-22 Shorten URLs to share map views

  • RA2-150 FE - Generate map short URL

RA2-23 Geographical search

  • RA2-162 FE - Implement geographical search
  • RA2-163 DE - Geographical search

RA2-24 Ability to create, edit and delete journeys

  • RA2-59 FE - Prevent unpublished journeys from showing up in search engine results
  • RA2-104 FE - Fetch the journeys from the API

RA2-25 Homepage CMS

  • RA2-137 DE - Design an alternative homepage based on the customisation options
  • RA2-138 FE - Fetch and implement different sections on the homepage
  • RA2-139 BE - Create Homepage model
  • RA2-140 BE - Create HomepageSection model
  • RA2-141 BE - Allow to create/update/delete Homepage record via Admin
  • RA2-142 BE - Allow to create/update/delete HomepageSection record via Admin
  • RA2-143 BE - Add API endpoint which returns Homepage details including its sections

RA2-40 Layer citations in the legend

  • RA2-152 DE - Display the layer citations in the legend
  • RA2-153 FE - Display the layer citations in the legend

RA2-44 Ability to edit the “Map” header menu from the back-office

  • RA2-172 BE - Verify that MapMenuEntries administration works

RA2-45 Toggle light/dark labels on the map

  • RA2-148 DE - Map setting to select labels style (light or dark)
  • RA2-149 FE - Map setting to select labels style (light or dark)
  • RA2-169 DE - Decide which labels (light and dark) to use

RA2-47 Track layer downloads in GA4

  • RA2-128 UR - Set up events to track layer download

RA2-50 FE - Address the vulnerabilities of the dependencies

RA2-69 Set up events tracked by GA4

  • RA2-80 UR - Transform conversion goals into events and configure them in GA4
  • RA2-91 FE - Add events in code

RA2-70 Train CI staff to use GA4

  • RA2-171 UR - Create a training guide presentation
  • RA2-181 UR - Lead training session with CI

RA2-71 Ability to translate journeys

  • RA2-175 FE - Journeys displayed in the language of the UI

RA2-72 Ability to translate the homepage

  • RA2-146 BE - Translate attributes of Homepage model
  • RA2-147 BE - Translate attributes of HomepageSection model
  • RA2-176 FE - Display the homepage in the language of the UI

RA2-113 FE/BE - Add missing license to the repository

RA2-120 Improve the layer form in the back-office

  • RA2-132 BE - Refactor ActiveAdmin Layer form

RA2-154 BE - Fix security issues discovered by Brakeman and Rubocop

RA2-160 Indicate when layers are loading on the map

  • RA2-167 DE - Loading indicator when layers are loading

RA2-164 Display the back-office's About page content

  • RA2-208 FE - Fetch the About's page content from the API

RA2-168 Research how to implement a CMS for the About page

RA2-184 Ability to publish/unpublish layers in the back-office

  • RA2-185 BE - Add published attribute to Admin Layer form

RA2-186 BE - Migrate the homepage CMS data to production

RA2-190 Back-office interface to update the text and images of the About page

  • RA2-191 BE - Generate models (db tables) which allows to store content of About page
  • RA2-192 BE - Implement backoffice page which allows to create/update/delete content of About page
  • RA2-194 BE - Migrate About page data to staging server

RA2-197 Migrate the data of the layer model's info attribute and stop using it in the front-end

  • RA2-198 BE - Migrate staging data
  • RA2-200 BE - Add description of Layer to API serializer

RA2-204 FE - Chapter numbers of existing journeys not displayed correctly

RA2-210 BE - Back-office crashes when deleting a layer group

RA2-213 Redirect links to atlases to their map page

  • RA2-214 FE - Redirect root links to atlases to their map page

RA2-217 BE - Migrate the About page CMS data to production


30 Mar 13:09
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RA2-6 Upgrade front-end frameworks and dependencies

  • RA2-26 FE - Add end-to-end tests

    • Created end-to-end tests for the homepage, about, journey and map pages
    • Created a GitHub Action to run the tests when new code is pushed
    • Added cypress 12.7.0
    • Upgraded @carto/carto.js to 4.2.2
  • RA2-27 FE - Migrate the app to Next.js

    • Upgraded to Node.js 18.15.0 (current long-term release)
    • Moved away from the Create React App and use Next.js 12.3.4 instead
  • RA2-28 FE - Add a docker container

  • RA2-112 FE - Update the README file

    • Quick start
    • Environment variables
    • CI/CD & Manual deployment
    • Vulnerability mitigation

RA2-7 Upgrade back-end frameworks and dependencies

  • RA2-31 BE - Add API response tests
    • Created about 70 tests for the API endpoints
    • Created about 70 tests for the admin's CRUD actions
    • Tests written with rswag which automatically generates documentation in the swagger format
    • No external data is used to run the tests
  • RA2-32 BE - Upgrade to Rails 7
  • RA2-33 BE - Code cleaning (remove obsolete dependencies)
    • Removed obsolete libraries and front-end code
    • Removed CKEditor which was replaced by ActionText
    • Replaced cancan dependency (deprecated) by cancancan
    • Replaced webpacker with importmaps
    • Replaced teaspoon gem with cuprite
    • Enabled activeadmin-globalize which is customised fork which supports Rails 7
  • RA2-34 BE - Upgrade Postgres server version
    • Upgraded to version 15
  • RA2-35 BE - Upgrade Ruby
    • Upgraded to 3.2.1

RA2-9 Migrate raster layers to COG format

  • RA2-109 SC - Define the infrastructure
  • RA2-144 SC - Map Carto raster layers to production IDs, table names and S3 assets

RA2-10 Analytics migrated to GA 4

  • RA2-77 UR - Migrate to GA 4
  • RA2-90 FE - Add GA 4
  • RA2-116 UR - Configure cross-domain tracking
  • RA2-118 FE - Set GA environment variable on staging
  • RA2-119 FE - Set GA environment variable on production

RA2-14 GDPR compliance

  • RA2-74 DE - Design the privacy banner
  • RA2-92 FE - Implement privacy banner

RA2-18 Multi-language support

  • RA2-66 BE - DB model for storing content translations
  • RA2-67 BE - API: locale parameters for endpoints
  • RA2-68 BE - Backoffice: define list of fields to be translated for each table
  • RA2-76 DE - Language selector
  • RA2-106 BE - Backoffice: check if German and Italian languages can be deleted

RA2-24 Ability to create, edit and delete journeys

  • RA2-52 BE - API: journeys index endpoint
  • RA2-53 BE - API: journey show endpoint
  • RA2-54 BE - Journey database model
  • RA2-55 BE - Re-create existing journeys manually in staging
  • RA2-56 BE - Migrate journeys from staging to production
  • RA2-57 BE - Backoffice: journeys index page
  • RA2-58 BE - Backoffice: journey show page
  • RA2-60 BE - Backoffice: Journey form - main
  • RA2-61 BE - Backoffice: Journey form - landing step
  • RA2-62 BE - Backoffice: Journey form - embed step
  • RA2-63 BE - Backoffice: Journey form - conclusion step
  • RA2-64 BE - Backoffice: Journey form - chapter step

RA2-36 BE - Upgrade deployment script

Automatic deployment of the back-end application when code is pushed to the repository thanks to a GitHub Action.

RA2-37 FE - Upgrade deployment script

Automatic deployment of the front-end application when code is pushed to the repository thanks to a GitHub Action.

RA2-38 Create a mono repo for both front-end and back-end

All the code moved to ConservationInternational/resilienceatlas.

RA2-69 Set up events tracked by GA 4

  • RA2-79 UR - Validate and decide conversion goals with CI

RA2-71 Ability to translate journeys

  • RA2-84 BE - Allow to translate Journey attributes
  • RA2-85 BE - Allow to translate all journey step types

RA2-105 BE - Finish upgrades in production (when ready to release upgraded code)

Ruby upgraded to 3.2.1.

RA2-107 BE / FE - Patch for journeys in production while new implementation of journeys is not fully integrated

This is a temporal patch while the new front-end implementation of the journeys is not complete.


  • RA2-39 Research how to best implement the dynamic content for journeys
  • RA2-65 Research how to implement the homepage CMS
  • RA2-100 Investigate which translation platform to use
  • RA2-151 BE - Investigate how to shorten map URLs
  • RA2-156 BE - Backoffice: Reset forgot password is broken
  • RA2-157 FE - Application crashes when trying to analyse an area
  • RA2-158 FE - Fix privacy banner on wide screens