Tetris Project in Python (L1):
Revisiting the Tetris project in Python
Giga Jump (L1)
Creation of a Python game similar to DoodleJump.
Vector Drawing Application in C (L2):
Version 1 : Design and realization of a vector drawing application in C language.
Version 2 : Adding color
Gestionnaire Agenda project (L2)
Creation of an agenda manager in C language. Permit to discover the use of linked list and tree.
Automata Project (L2):
This project manages finite automata using Python.
Smart Library Project (L2):
Smart Library is a full-stack library management system that allows users to explore and manage books while enabling administrators to oversee inventory, with features like user registration, book browsing, AI-driven recommendations, and advanced admin tools.
IMDB Machine learning project (L3 - Concordia Universities):
IMDBML is a machine learning project for movie review sentiment classification using Logistic Regression, Natural Language Processing, and a web interface built with Vue.js and FastAPI.
Pantheon of Code (OnePantheon):
Pong (Crobotic):
Exploring C++ and Inno Setup:
Exploration of the C++ language. Use of Inno Setup for creating user installers.
Website and JavaScript Discovery:
Design and development of a website using HTML, CSS, and the discovery of JavaScript.
Creation of a screen displaying the ip address and SSID using a RaspberryPi and an OLED screen.
Discord Bots - Custom Schedule Retrieval:
Creation of Discord bots to retrieve an individual's personalized schedule.
Home Vue:
Website to discover the Vue.js framework. Permit to see the weather and control led stip. I also implemented login and register functionalities. And create backend to store user data and weather data.