!! Major breaking change !! Automatically downloaded remote config values will no longer be automatically enrolled in their AB tests.
! Minor breaking change ! Remote config will now return previously downloaded values when remote-config consent is not given
Introduced a new set of remote config methods
Deprecated old remote config methods
Fixed bug where recording views would force send all stored events
Fixed bug where exiting temporary ID mode would create unintended requests
Removed the deprecated enum "DeviceId.Type"
Removed the deprecated value "ADVERTISING_ID" from the enum "DeviceIdType"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.changeDeviceIdWithoutMerge(type, deviceID)"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.changeDeviceIdWithMerge(deviceID)"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.getDeviceID()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.getDeviceIDType()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.enableTemporaryIdMode()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.onCreate(activity)"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.isHttpPostForced()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.isDeviceAppCrawler()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.ifShouldIgnoreCrawlers()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.flushRequestQueues()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.doStoredRequests()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.requestQueueOverwriteAppKeys()"
Removed the deprecated function "Countly.requestQueueEraseAppKeysRequests()"
Removed the deprecated function "CountlyConfig.setRemoteConfigAutomaticDownload(enabled, callback)"
Removed the deprecated user profile interface accessed on "Countly.userData"