404 commits
to staging-np
since this release
Mitigated an issue where the 'reportFeedbackWidgetManually' function would await indefinitely on iOS
Mitigated an issue where nonfatal exceptions were treated as fatal and vice versa
Mitigated an issue that caused session duration inconsistencies
Added six new configuration options under the 'sdkInternalLimits' interface of 'CountlyConfig':
- 'setMaxKeyLength' for limiting the maximum size of all user provided string keys
- 'setMaxValueSize' for limiting the size of all values in user provided segmentation key-value pairs
- 'setMaxSegmentationValues' for limiting the max amount of user provided segmentation key-value pair count in one event
- 'setMaxBreadcrumbCount' for limiting the max amount of breadcrumbs that can be recorded before the oldest one is deleted
- 'setMaxStackTraceLinesPerThread' for limiting the max amount of stack trace lines to be recorded per thread
- 'setMaxStackTraceLineLength' for limiting the max characters allowed per stack trace lines
Updated underlying Android SDK version to 24.4.0
Updated underlying iOS SDK version to 24.4.0