Added support for Feedback Widget terms and conditions
Mitigated an issue where internal SDK limits did not apply
Mitigated an issue where user data operation
won't work -
Mitigated an issue where custom apm metrics were cast to string
Mitigated an issue where user property
was cast to string -
Mitigated an issue where SDK limits could affect internal keys in iOS
Mitigated an issue that enabled recording reserved events in iOS
Mitigated an issue where timed events could have no ID in iOS
Mitigated an issue where the request queue could overflow while sending a request in iOS
Mitigated an issue where the session duration could have been calculated wrongly after a device ID change without merge in Android
Mitigated an issue where a session could have continued after a device ID change without merge in Android
Updated underlying Android SDK version to 24.4.1
Updated underlying iOS SDK version to 24.4.1