!! Major breaking change !! The following method and its functionality is deprecated from the "UserEditor" interface and will not function anymore:
- "setLocale(String)"
Added the user profiles feature interface, and it is accessible through "Countly::instance()::userProfile()" call.
Added the location feature interface, and it is accessible through "Countly::instance()::location()" call.
Added init time configuration for the location parameters:
- "setLocation(String countryCode, String city, String location, String ipAddress)"
- "setDisableLocation()"
Crash Reporting interface added and accessible through "Countly::instance()::crash()" call.
Added "disableUnhandledCrashReporting" function to the "Config" class to disable automatic uncaught crash reporting.
Added "setMaxBreadcrumbCount(int)" function to the "Config" class to change allowed max breadcrumb count.
Added the views feature interface, and it is accessible through "Countly::instance()::views()" call.
Added a configuration function to set global view segmentation to the "Config" class:
- "views.setGlobalViewSegmentation(Map<String, Object>)"
Fixed a bug where setting custom user properties would not work.
Fixed a bug where setting organization of the user would not work.
Fixed a bug where sending a user profile picture with checksum was not possible.
Fixed a bug where running time calculation was sent as a milliseconds but should have been in seconds.
Deprecated "Countly::backendMode()" call, use "Countly::backendM" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Usage::addLocation(double, double)" call, use "Countly::location::setLocation" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Usage::addCrashReport()" call, use "Countly::crash" instead via "instance()" call.
The following methods are deprecated from the "UserEditor" interface:
- "commit()" instead use "Countly::userProfile::save" via "instance()" call
- "pushUnique(String, Object)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::pushUnique" via "instance()" call
- "pull(String, Object)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::pull" via "instance()" call
- "push(String, Object)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::push" via "instance()" call
- "setOnce(String, Object)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setOnce" via "instance()" call
- "max(String, double)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::saveMax" via "instance()" call
- "min(String, double)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::saveMin" via "instance()" call
- "mul(String, double)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::multiply" via "instance()" call
- "inc(String, int)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::incrementBy" via "instance()" call
- "optOutFromLocationServices()" instead use "Countly::location::disableLocation" via "instance()" call
- "setLocation(double, double)" instead use "Countly::location::setLocation" via "instance()" call
- "setLocation(String)" instead use "Countly::location::setLocation" via "instance()" call
- "setCountry(String)" instead use "Countly::location::setLocation" via "instance()" call
- "setCity(String)" instead use "Countly::location::setLocation" via "instance()" call
- "setGender(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setBirthyear(int)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setBirthyear(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setEmail(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setName(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setUsername(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setPhone(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setPicturePath(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setOrg(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setCustom(String, Object)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "set(String, Object)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "picture(byte[])" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
Deprecated "View::start(bool)" call, use "Countly::views::startView" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "View::stop(bool)" call, use "Countly::views::stopViewWithName" or "Countly::views::stopViewWithID" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Usage::view(String)" call, use "Countly::views::startView" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Usage::view(String, bool)" call, use "Countly::views::startView" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Countly::view(String)" call, use "Countly::views::startView" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Countly::view(String, bool)" call, use "Countly::views::startView" instead via "instance()" call.