Countly Version 22.09.15
- [compliance-hub] use 'change' instead of 'after' for filter
- [core] app user export to database (not using filesystem anymore) !!!changes export format!!!
- [core] do not fetch masking config if masking is not enabled
- [core] fixed parsing of special characters in event keys
- [core] only use custom period when set explicitly in model file
- [core] set activePeriod as current day in periodObject if single day selected
- [dashboards] fixed bug with not fully loaded graphs for events and crashes for some periods
- [data-manager] fixed localization for data masking toggle
- [dbviewer] correct read access check fixed
- [dbviewer] fixed server error on invalid queries
- [events] fixed display bug in the all events view for events with ampersand in its name enterprise
- [install] do not overwrite supervisord.conf in upgrades
- [install] online and offline setups for CentOS/RHEL 7
- [networking] support for ipv6
- [period] end date was set as 00:00Am in custom period selections
- [populator] added UI check for maximum time input that prevents non-number inputs
- [populator] populating with template create SDK requests with template document properties
- [push] fixed wrong error deserialization
- [security] deepExtend manual object copy replaced with lodash merge
- [security] jquery validation xss vulnerability fix
- [UI] graph notes back link is fixed
Enterprise fixes:
- [ab-testing] Fixes for setup.
- [active-directory] Remove tlsKey for active directory client
- [cohorts] Fixes for displaying special characters
- [data-manager] Ability to mask device id
- [data-manager] [users] Fixes for & in events name
- [drill] Added index on eventTimeline collection for field app to have faster deletion on app delete/clear.
- [drill] Fixed bug in timeline on single event deletion.
- [drill] Make sure only preset values are used in meta regeneration and no new values are added.
- [drill] Meta cleanup endpoint and function in drill. Clears out wrongly saved infromation in meta about user properties.
- [retention] Fixes for showing cohort names in retention view.
- [retention] Retention label set according to selected result type.
- [revenue] Null check for revenue widgets
- [users] Fixes for displaying special characters
- [users] sidebar properties value change after page has loaded