Countly Version 22.09.19
- [consolidate] Fixed app settings change for consolidate plugin
- [core] Fixed default permission object creation in case user is created via API call
- [core] Fixes for 'Unknown country flag image'
- [core] Fixes for showing app image.
- [core] crypto.getRandomValues is replaced with get-random-values package
- [db-viewer] Fixed full download for aggregation result.
- [events] Show duration formatted in minutes and seconds in graph
- [push] Fixes for dealing with streaming issues
- [users] Fix for having occasional wrong Export failures with a description that the user is missing.
Enterprise fixes:
- [ab-testing] Workflow fixes regarding working with real-time cohorts
- [cohorts] Corrected exited user count for cases when users are exited in parallel processes.
- [cohorts] Fixes to deal with ab-testing rules for cohorts.
- [drill] Null checks for bookmark updates
- [formulas] Allow range date picker for no-bucket case formula widget