Get the tutorial specific tag of the PureStake/Moonbeam repo:
git clone -b tutorial-v2
cd moonbeam
Install Substrate pre-requisites (including Rust):
curl -sSf | bash -s -- --fast
Run the initialization script, which checks the correct rust nightly version and adds the WASM to that specific version:
Build the corresponding binary file:
cd node/standalone
cargo build --release
Build the corresponding binary file:
cargo build --release
The first build takes a long time, as it compiles all the necessary libraries.
If a cargo not found error appears in the terminal, manually add Rust to your system path (or restart your system):
source $HOME/.cargo/env
./node/standalone/target/release/moonbase-standalone --dev
You can run a standalone Moonbeam node with Docker directly:
docker run --rm --name moonbeam_standalone --network host purestake/moonbase:tutorial-v2.2 /moonbase/moonbase-standalone --dev
The ethereum specification described a numeric Chain Id. The Moonbeam mainnet Chain Id will be 1284 because it takes 1284 milliseconds for a moonbeam to reach Earth.
Moonbeam nodes support multiple public chains and testnets, with the following Chain Ids.
Network Description | Chain ID |
Local parachain testnet | 1280 |
Local standalone testnet | 1281 |
Reserved for other testnets | 1282 - 1283 |
Moonbeam (Polkadot) | 1284 |
Moonriver (Kusama) | 1285 |
Moonrock (Rococo) | 1286 |
Public parachain testnet (alphanet) | 1287 |
Reserved for other public networks | 1288 - 1289 |
The Moonbeam Runtime is built using FRAME and consists of several core pallets, as well as a few pallets that are only present conditionally. The core pallets are:
- Balances: Tracks GLMR token balances
- Sudo: Allows a privledged acocunt to make arbitrary runtime changes - will be removed before launch
- Timestamp: On-Chain notion of time
- EVM: Encapsulates execution logic for an Ethereum Virtual Machine
- Ethereum: Ethereum-style data encoding and access for the EVM.
- Ethereum Chain Id: A place to store the chain id for each Moonbeam network
- Transaction Payment: Transaction payment (fee) management
- Randomness Collective Flip: A (mock) onchain randomness beacon. Will be replaced by parachain randomness by mainnet.
In addition to the core pallets above, the parachain node also features
- ParachainUpgrade: A helper to perform runtime upgrades on parachains
- MessageBroker: A helper to receive incoming XCPM messages
- ParachainInfo: A place to store parachain-relevant constants like parachain id
- TokenDealer: A helper for accepting incoming cross-chain asset transfers
In addition to the core pallets above, the standalone node also features
- Aura: Slot-based Authority Consensus
- Grandpa: GRANDPA Authority consensus (This will be removed once it becomes a parachain)
Tests are run with the following command:
cargo test --verbose