Simple, lightweight and fast hologram plugin using display entities.
It is lightweight and fast (using packets).
PlaceholderAPI and MiniPlaceholders is supported.
Only for minecraft server versions 1.19.4 .. 1.20.1
Using paper is highly recommended
You can download the latest versions at the following places:
- Build from source (
gradlew shadowJar
/FancyHolograms version - Shows you the current plugin version
/FancyHolograms save - Saves all holograms
/FancyHolograms reload - Reloads the config and holograms
/Hologram help - Shows a list of all subcommands
/Hologram list - Shows a list of all holograms
/Hologram create (name) - Creates a new hologram at your location
/Hologram remove (hologram) - Removes a certain hologram
/Hologram copy (hologram) (new name) - Creates a copy of a hologram
/Hologram edit (hologram) position - Teleports the hologram to you
/Hologram edit (hologram) moveTo (x) (y) (z) [yaw] - Teleports the hologram to the location
/Hologram edit (hologram) rotate (degrees) - Rotates the hologram
/Hologram edit (hologram) setLine (line) (text...) - Sets the content of the line
/Hologram edit (hologram) addLine (text...) - Adds a line at the bottom
/Hologram edit (hologram) removeLine (line) - Removes a line
/Hologram edit (hologram) insertBefore (line) (text...) - Adds a line after another
/Hologram edit (hologram) insertAfter (line) (text...) - Adds a line before another
/Hologram edit (hologram) background (color) - Sets the background color
/Hologram edit (hologram) scale (factor) - Sets the scale (can be floats)
/Hologram edit (hologram) billboard (billboard) - Sets the billboard
/Hologram edit (hologram) textShadow (true|false) - Enables/disables the text shadow
/Hologram edit (hologram) textAlignment (alignment) - Sets the text alignment
/Hologram edit (hologram) shadowStrength (strength) - Sets the shadow strength
/Hologram edit (hologram) shadowRadius (radius) - Sets the shadow radius
/Hologram edit (hologram) updateTextInterval (seconds) - Sets the interval for refreshing the text (useful for
/Hologram edit (hologram) linkWithNpc (npc) - Links a hologram with an NPC
/Hologram edit (hologram) unlinkWithNpc - Unlinks the hologram from the NPC
For the /Hologram and /FancyHolograms commands - FancyHolograms.admin