KiCad Add-in Script to export and cost a BOM Written in Python 2.74, as KiCad seems not to support Python 3
This is a simple script process the KiCad intermediate netlist file, and produce a BOM in both CSV and XML Format
- Optionally groups same components into a single row (cmd line paramater "-g")
- Optionally costs the BOM using FindChips API (cmd line parameters "-f" and "-a [apikey]")
- Produces both CSV and XML output
Display Help message-g
Group like components into a single row-i
Input file (in KiCad's intermediate XML format)-o
Output file name (will be appended with .CSV and .XML). If none specified, output file is input file + "_BOM"-f
Use the FindChips API-a
The API Key from the online costing service
Open EESchema
TOOLS menu / Generate Bill of Materials
Add a new item with a cmd line similar to:
python "[path to python script]" "-i %I" [other cmd line params]
python "c:\" -i "%I" -g -f -a xxxxxxxx
Suggest you don't use the standard "%O" output file parameter, or the .xml output will overwrite the intermediate Netlist file.
You need to request an API from SupplyFrame. Go to: You will be provided with an API key. Use this in your command line call after the "-a" argument
Within KiCad EESchema, you will need to define a manufacturer part number:
- within EESchema, Preferences menu / Schematic Editor Options / Template Field Name
- Add "Mfg_Part_No" to store the manufacturer's part number. Be specific down to package to avoid vague search results
I find that Excel doesn't read the CSV file in well, as it tries to convert data types. I prefer to use Excel to open the XML output file:
- right-click on XML output file, then "open with Excel"
- in Excel choose to open as an XML Table
- Voila!
- A log file is created in user home directory (eg. on Windows: C:\User[your username]\Kicad_BOM_Logging.txt)
Further Enhancements Identified:
- Add command-line option to cost based on number of boards (currently only assumes 1)
- Use a config file to restrict distributors to a preferred set
Please Contribute! I found this useful, but there is much more that the script can achieve!