-> Clone the repository from https://github.com/Crawford30/laravel.api.taskmanagement.git into the .htdocs folder of your Server.
-> Make sure you have XAMPP or WAMP installed for Windows, MAMP or XAMPP for Mac, or LAMP for Linux.
-> Run composer install in the project directory via the command line to install composer first.
-> The "API Application" folder should be placed in the root directory (inside .htdocs for XAMPP or WAMP).
-> Create a database of your choice (e.g., projectCodeDB).
-> Copy .env.example to .env. by running cp .env.example .env
-> Open .env and update the database name to the one you created.
-> Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the project directory.
-> Make sure the server is running (XAMPP, WAMP, or any server environment you are using).
-> Run php artisan key:generate to generate the application key.
-> Run php artisan migrate to create the necessary database tables.
-> Run php artisan db:seed to seed the databases.
-> php artisan config:clear
-> php artisan config:cache
-> php artisan passport:install
-> Run php artisan serve to start the development server.
-> Copy the URL provided by the development server and use it as the base URL in the .env (afte copying .env.example from the front app) located in Project Root Folder). For my case it was VITE_API_URL=
-> I created a seeded account with these login credentials;
Email : [email protected]
Password : projectcode