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Identify filter version and verify solution to an issue

Crend King edited this page Apr 22, 2021 · 1 revision

Identify filter version

The easiest way to find out the filter version is through the settings page. At the bottom right corner, the first line identifies the filter's version, as illustrated in the picture.

Version information

There are three components in the information:

  • v0.10.0: The current version number of the filter.
  • [Debug]: The variant of the build. "[Debug]" indicates this file is built with extra debug information and only suited for diagnostic purpose. Release build, which is the intended variant for daily uses, should have no text in this part.
  • b02e4bd: The Git commit hash of the build. You should be find such commit in the code section of the repository.

There are also other means to find the version information:

  • You can rename the file extension of the filter from .ax to .dll (e.g. to avisynth_filter_64.dll), right click, select "Properties", and find the version information in the "Details" tab.
  • You can enable logging, and open the log file. Look for a line starts with "Filter version:".

Verify solution to an issue

Often when you encounter a problem and open an issue, the developers will provide a fix to that problem in a commit and ask you to verify. To access the filter binary of that specific commit, go to Actions and search for a workflow run with that commit hash. Then in the "Artifacts" section, download the archive of your choice.

If you are experiencing random crash or hang, and capable of capturing process dump, the Debug variant is the preferred way to report and verify the problem. If you are not experiencing any problem, but simply want to take a peek at a new unreleased feature, feel free to try the Release variant.