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Tony edited this page Dec 9, 2020 · 1 revision

Frequently Asked Questions / Problems

In here you'll find answers to common problems people run into usually with installing or playing Crowns of Power. If your issue isn't here you can either reach out in the community Discord or submit an Issue / Bug report if one doesn't already exist.

Game doesn't run properly if I don't run it as administrator

The game doesn't like being installed under program files, if yours is, uninstall and reinstall it elsewhere. We recommend (C:\CrownsOfPower\)

Game keeps crashing with "Error resurrecting the texture cache"

If you're seeing this, you're probably trying to run the game in full screen mode which currently is broken. running in windowed most should fix the problem

The lighting is broken or weird looking in certain zones

Sometimes lighting can be corrupted or when changed in an update might act weird. if that's the case go into the folder your game is installed in and go to Game\main\data\missions and in there delete any file that ends with .ml or says "ML File" under the Type. those are the generated mission lighting files and once deleted they will recreate themselves the next time you load a zone. (You may notice slightly longer loading times the first time you load into zones after this)