docker-builds #9
19 errors
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-focal-cuda11.8-cudnn8-py3-gcc9)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-focal-cuda12.1-cudnn8-py3-gcc9)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-focal-py3.8-clang10)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-focal-cuda12.1-cudnn8-py3-gcc9-inductor-benchmarks)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-focal-py3.11-clang10)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-focal-py3.12-clang10)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-focal-rocm-n-1-py3)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-jammy-py3.8-gcc11)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-jammy-cuda11.8-cudnn8-py3.8-clang12)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-jammy-xpu-2024.0-py3)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-focal-rocm-n-py3)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-focal-py3-clang9-android-ndk-r21e)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-jammy-py3-clang15-asan)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-jammy-py3.8-gcc11-inductor-benchmarks)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-focal-linter)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-jammy-cuda11.8-cudnn8-py3.9-linter)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (pytorch-linux-jammy-aarch64-py3.10-gcc11, linux.arm64.2xlarge)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-focal-py3-clang10-onnx)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
docker-build (linux.12xlarge, pytorch-linux-jammy-py3-clang12-executorch)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.