The solver is for a app game named "Linemaze Puzzles". Its algorithm is based on DFS with a little optimization.
Because this solver is written by Python, so you need install Python in your OS.
Execute LMsolverUI python module, and perform according to UI. Put maze map files in LMquestion directory, this solver can only accept .txt files.
Enter the file name of map file without format name. For example, you want to let solver solve a puzzle of which map file is LMquestion/easy1_1.txt. Then you only need to enter "easy1_1".
The answer files will be generated in LManswer directory, and its file name is same as map file's.
The first line contains 2 numbers - the number of rows n_row and the number of n_col. The following are n_row lines and each line contains n_col wall status.
The wall status is a number that it is a sum of walls at 4 directions.
- Up: 1
- Down: 2
- Left: 4
- Right: 8
For example, there is a grid of which walls at up and left. Then the wall status of this gird is 1+4=5.
The following is the map file of level 1 of Easy Episode 2:
4 3
09 05 08
06 00 08
05 00 08
04 00 10
Those leading zeroes are only for reading easily, not necessary.
NOTICE that this solver do not have map fomat check currently, so write your map file carefully.
If you are lazy, do not want to write map file by hand, here is a convenient tool. (Suggest that use Chrome to open the tool.)
An answer path presented by a number matrix. The start point is 1 and the following steps are 2, 3, and so on.