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examples/snake complete
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D-Berg committed Jan 28, 2025
1 parent 95c392b commit e59f6f2
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Showing 2 changed files with 194 additions and 93 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/snake/build.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
.root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
.strip = true
// .strip = true

const zgl = b.dependency("zgl", .{
Expand Down
285 changes: 193 additions & 92 deletions examples/snake/src/main.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const rand = std.crypto.random;
const glfw = zgl.glfw;
const wgpu = zgl.wgpu;

const RENDER_SIZE = 3; // increases render resolution
const RENDER_SIZE = 1; // increases render resolution
const WINDOW_WIDTH = 800;
const WINDOW_HEIGHT = 800;

Expand All @@ -32,7 +32,17 @@ const Circle = struct {

const Position = struct {
x: f32,
y: f32
y: f32,

fn Random() Position {

const position = Position {
.x = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(rand.intRangeAtMost(u32, 0, 800 / GRID_SIZE - 1) * GRID_SIZE)),
.y = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(rand.intRangeAtMost(u32, 0, 800 / GRID_SIZE - 1) * GRID_SIZE))

return position;

const Dim = struct {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,102 +76,99 @@ const Color = struct {

var previous_key_state = std.EnumMap(glfw.Key, glfw.KeyState).initFull(glfw.KeyState.Released);

const MAX_SNAKE_LEN = 10;

const Snake = struct {
positions: [MAX_SNAKE_LEN][2]f32,
len: 1,
positions: [MAX_SNAKE_LEN]Position = [1]Position{ .{ .x = 0, .y = 0 }} ** MAX_SNAKE_LEN,
old_positions: [MAX_SNAKE_LEN]Position = undefined,
len: usize = 10,
direction: Direction,
allow_move: bool = true,

fn isKeyPressed(window: glfw.Window, key: glfw.Key) bool {
var isPressed: bool = false;

const just_pressed = glfw.GetKey(window, key);

if (just_pressed == .Pressed and previous_key_state.get(key).? != .Pressed) {
isPressed = true;
fn move(snake: *Snake) void {
defer snake.allow_move = true;

const prev = previous_key_state.getPtr(key).?;
prev.* = just_pressed;
@memcpy(snake.old_positions[0..snake.len], snake.positions[0..snake.len]);

return isPressed;

switch (snake.direction) {
.Up => snake.positions[0].y -= GRID_SIZE,
.Down => snake.positions[0].y += GRID_SIZE,
.Left => snake.positions[0].x -= GRID_SIZE,
.Right => snake.positions[0].x += GRID_SIZE

const Direction = enum {
if (snake.positions[0].y > WINDOW_HEIGHT) {
snake.positions[0].y = 0;

fn moveSnake(curr_pos_idx: *usize, snake: []u32, direction: Direction) void {
if (snake.positions[0].y < 0) {
snake.positions[0].y = WINDOW_HEIGHT - 32;

switch (direction) {
if (snake.positions[0].x > WINDOW_WIDTH) {
snake.positions[0].x = 0;

.Up => {
if (curr_pos_idx.* + GRID_SIZE < snake.len - 1) {
const next_pos = curr_pos_idx.* + GRID_SIZE;
snake[next_pos] = @intFromBool(true);
snake[curr_pos_idx.*] = @intFromBool(false);
if (snake.positions[0].x < 0) {
snake.positions[0].x = WINDOW_WIDTH - 32;

curr_pos_idx.* = next_pos;
} else {
const next_pos = curr_pos_idx.* - (GRID_SIZE - 1) * GRID_SIZE;
snake[next_pos] = @intFromBool(true);
snake[curr_pos_idx.*] = @intFromBool(false);
std.debug.assert(snake.len > 0);
std.debug.assert(snake.len < MAX_SNAKE_LEN);
for (1..snake.len + 1) |i| {
// snake.positions[i].x += d_x;
snake.positions[i] = snake.old_positions[i - 1];

curr_pos_idx.* = next_pos;

.Down => {
const Food = struct {
position: Position,

if (curr_pos_idx.* > GRID_SIZE - 1) {
const next_pos = curr_pos_idx.* - GRID_SIZE;
snake[next_pos] = @intFromBool(true);
snake[curr_pos_idx.*] = @intFromBool(false);
fn spawn() Food {

const position = Position.Random();

curr_pos_idx.* = next_pos;
} else {
const next_pos = curr_pos_idx.* + (GRID_SIZE - 1) * GRID_SIZE;
snake[next_pos] = @intFromBool(true);
snake[curr_pos_idx.*] = @intFromBool(false);
log.debug("Food pos = {any}", .{position});

return Food {
.position = position

curr_pos_idx.* = next_pos;

.Left => {
const next_pos = if (curr_pos_idx.* % GRID_SIZE == 0)
curr_pos_idx.* + GRID_SIZE - 1
curr_pos_idx.* - 1;
fn isKeyPressed(window: glfw.Window, key: glfw.Key) bool {
var isPressed: bool = false;

snake[next_pos] = @intFromBool(true);
snake[curr_pos_idx.*] = @intFromBool(false);
const just_pressed = glfw.GetKey(window, key);

curr_pos_idx.* = next_pos;
if (just_pressed == .Pressed and previous_key_state.get(key).? != .Pressed) {
isPressed = true;

.Right => {
var next_pos = curr_pos_idx.* + 1;
if (next_pos % GRID_SIZE == 0) {
next_pos = curr_pos_idx.* + 1 - GRID_SIZE;
snake[next_pos] = @intFromBool(true);
snake[curr_pos_idx.*] = @intFromBool(false);
const prev = previous_key_state.getPtr(key).?;
prev.* = just_pressed;

curr_pos_idx.* = next_pos;
if (isPressed) log.debug("pressed {s}", .{@tagName(key)});
return isPressed;


const Direction = enum(u2) {

log.debug("pos: {}", .{curr_pos_idx.*});
fn Random() Direction {
return @enumFromInt(;


pub fn main() !void {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,7 +290,8 @@ pub fn main() !void {
const vertex_buffer = try device.CreateBuffer(&.{
.label = wgpu.StringView.fromSlice("vertex buffer"),
.size = device_limits.limits.maxBufferSize,
.usage = @intFromEnum(wgpu.Buffer.Usage.Vertex) | @intFromEnum(wgpu.Buffer.Usage.CopyDst),
.usage = @intFromEnum(wgpu.Buffer.Usage.Vertex) |
defer vertex_buffer.Release();

Expand All @@ -292,35 +300,106 @@ pub fn main() !void {

const arena_allocator = arena.allocator();

// var curr_pos_idx: usize = rand.intRangeAtMost(usize, 0, GRID_SIZE * GRID_SIZE - 1);
// var direction: Direction = .Right;
while (!window.ShouldClose()) : (_ = arena.reset( .retain_capacity)) {

// Game initilisation
var isPaused: bool = true;

const inital_direction = Direction.Random();
var snake = Snake{.direction = inital_direction};
std.debug.assert(snake.positions.len == MAX_SNAKE_LEN);
snake.len = 1;
snake.positions[0] = Position.Random();

log.debug("inital_direction = {}", .{snake.direction});
log.debug("head pos = {}", .{snake.positions[0]});

// for (0..snake.len) |i| {
// snake.positions[i].x += @floatFromInt(i * GRID_SIZE);
// log.debug("snake pos ({}) = {}", .{i, snake.positions[i]});
// }

var frame: usize = 0;
var food = Food.spawn();

while (!window.ShouldClose()) : ({_ = arena.reset( .retain_capacity ); frame += 1;}) {

{ // update
if (!isPaused) {

if (isKeyPressed(window, .D) and snake.direction != .Left and snake.allow_move) {
snake.direction = .Right;
snake.allow_move = false;
if (isKeyPressed(window, .A) and snake.direction != .Right and snake.allow_move) {
snake.direction = .Left;
snake.allow_move = false;
if (isKeyPressed(window, .W) and snake.direction != .Down and snake.allow_move) {
snake.direction = .Up;
snake.allow_move = false;
if (isKeyPressed(window, .S) and snake.direction != .Up and snake.allow_move) {
snake.direction = .Down;
snake.allow_move = false;

if (frame % 10 == 0) snake.move();

const head_pos = snake.positions[0];
for (1..snake.len) |i| {
const body_pos = snake.positions[i];
if (head_pos.x == body_pos.x and head_pos.y == body_pos.y) {
isPaused = true;

if (head_pos.x == food.position.x and head_pos.y == food.position.y) {
snake.len += 1;
food = Food.spawn();

if (isKeyPressed(window, .P)) {
log.debug("pausing the game", .{});
isPaused = true;


if (isPaused) {
if (isKeyPressed(window, .P)) {
isPaused = false;
log.debug("isPaused = {}", .{isPaused});

// reset
if (isKeyPressed(window, .R)) {
log.debug("resetting game", .{});
isPaused = false;
snake.len = 1;
food = Food.spawn();
snake.positions[0] = Position.Random();
snake.direction = Direction.Random();

// reset vertex data to 0
const zeros = try arena_allocator.alloc(f32, vertex_buffer.GetSize()/@sizeOf(f32));
@memset(zeros, 0);
queue.WriteBuffer(vertex_buffer, 0, f32, zeros);

// if (isKeyPressed(window, .D) and direction != .Left) direction = .Right;
// if (isKeyPressed(window, .A) and direction != .Right) direction = .Left;
// if (isKeyPressed(window, .W) and direction != .Down) direction = .Up;
// if (isKeyPressed(window, .S) and direction != .Up) direction = .Down;
// if (frame % 10 == 0) moveSnake(&curr_pos_idx, &snake, direction);

{ // draw and render

// draw ==========================================================
var vertices = std.ArrayList(f32).init(arena_allocator);
std.debug.assert(vertices.items.len == 0);

try drawRectangle(&vertices, Rectangle{
.position = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0 },
.dimension = .{ .width = 800, .height = 800 }

// grid brackround
// draw grid brackround
for (0..GRID_SIZE) |i| {

for (0..GRID_SIZE) |j| {
Expand All @@ -335,11 +414,33 @@ pub fn main() !void {
.dimension = .{ .width = GRID_SIZE, .height = GRID_SIZE },
.color = color


// draw head
try drawRectangle(&vertices, Rectangle{
.position = snake.positions[0],
.dimension = .{ .width = GRID_SIZE, .height = GRID_SIZE },
.color = .{ .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 255, .a = 1},

// draw body
for (1..snake.len) |i| {
try drawRectangle(&vertices, Rectangle{
.position = snake.positions[i],
.dimension = .{ .width = GRID_SIZE, .height = GRID_SIZE },
.color = .{ .r = 255, .g = 0, .b = 0, .a = 1},

// draw food
try drawRectangle(&vertices, Rectangle{
.position = food.position,
.dimension = .{ .width = GRID_SIZE, .height = GRID_SIZE },
.color = .{ .r = 0, .g = 255, .b = 0, .a = 1 }

std.debug.assert(vertices.items.len < device_limits.limits.maxBufferSize);
queue.WriteBuffer(vertex_buffer, 0, f32, vertices.items);
Expand Down

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