This project was created specifically for a newspaper company. It makes it easy to add posts. Editing and deleting won't be a problem either. The site also has topics for quick filtering of news.
⚡ Live DEMO: NewspaperAgency
- You can use following superuser (or create another one by yourself):
- Login:
- Password:
- Login:
On Windows:
python -m venv venv
On macOS:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
python loaddata data.json
You can see images inside media folder. You can easily delete it. They was added here just to show you how look like completely filled site. If you are not going to use my data just delete it. Or they will be removed by themselves thanks to self-cleaning.
python runserver
😄 Go to site
- Create Posts on website or admin-panel. All fields look the same.
- Create Topics and connect it to posts just on website.
- Users can registrate them self. But staff role they can take only in admin-panel.
- Only staff user can CRUD with the ojects.