Formatting Code
poetry run format
Verify Changes
# verify types (mypy)
poetry run types
# lint
poetry run lint
Build local package
poetry build -f sdist
Update Schema Diagrams
To generate schemas you will need to run poetry install --with docs
to install the proper dependencies
poetry run docs
Area Extraction
Cog Metadata
Feature Results
Line Feature
Map Results
Point Feature
Polygon Feature
Prospectivity Input
Prospectivity Models
area extraction
class AreaType {
Map_Area: str = 'map_area'
Legend_Area: str = 'legend_area'
CrossSection: str = 'cross_section'
OCR: str = 'ocr'
Polygon_Legend_Area: str = 'polygon_legend_area'
Line_Point_Legend_Area: str = 'line_point_legend_area'
Line_Legend_Area: str = 'line_legend_area'
Point_Legend_Area: str = 'point_legend_area'
Correlation_Diagram: str = 'correlation_diagram'
class Area_Extraction {
type: GeomType = GeomType.Polygon
coordinates: list[list[list[float | int]]]
bbox: list[float | int] = list
category: AreaType
text: str = ''
reference_id: str = ''
validated: bool = False
model: str
model_version: str
confidence: float | int | None = None
class GeomType {
Point: str = 'Point'
LineString: str = 'LineString'
Polygon: str = 'Polygon'
Area_Extraction ..> AreaType
Area_Extraction ..> GeomType
class Geom_Point {
latitude: float | int | None
longitude: float | int | None
type: GeomType = GeomType.Point
class Pixel_Point {
rows_from_top: float | int
columns_from_left: float | int
type: GeomType = GeomType.Point
class GeoreferenceResult {
likely_CRSs: list[str] = list
map_area: Area_Extraction | None = None
projections: list[ProjectionResult] = list
class GroundControlPoint {
gcp_id: str
map_geom: Geom_Point
px_geom: Pixel_Point
confidence: float | int | None = None
model: str
model_version: str
crs: str
class GeoreferenceResults {
cog_id: str
georeference_results: list[GeoreferenceResult] = list
gcps: list[GroundControlPoint] = list
system: str
system_version: str
class ProjectionResult {
crs: str
gcp_ids: list[str]
file_name: str
validated: bool = False
class Area_Extraction {
type: GeomType = GeomType.Polygon
coordinates: list[list[list[float | int]]]
bbox: list[float | int] = list
category: AreaType
text: str = ''
reference_id: str = ''
validated: bool = False
model: str
model_version: str
confidence: float | int | None = None
class GeomType {
Point: str = 'Point'
LineString: str = 'LineString'
Polygon: str = 'Polygon'
Area_Extraction ..> AreaType
Area_Extraction ..> GeomType
Geom_Point ..> GeomType
Pixel_Point ..> GeomType
GroundControlPoint ..> Pixel_Point
GroundControlPoint ..> Geom_Point
GeoreferenceResult ..> Area_Extraction
GeoreferenceResult ..> ProjectionResult
GeoreferenceResults ..> GroundControlPoint
GeoreferenceResults ..> GeoreferenceResult
class MapColorSchemeTypes {
full_color: str = 'full_color'
monochrome: str = 'monochrome'
grayscale: str = 'grayscale'
class MapMetaData {
title: str = ''
year: int | None = None
crs: str = ''
authors: list[str] = list
organization: str = ''
scale: int | None = None
quadrangle_name: str = ''
map_shape: MapShapeTypes | None = None
map_color_scheme: MapColorSchemeTypes | None = None
publisher: str = ''
state: str = ''
model: str
model_version: str
class CogMetaData {
cog_id: str
system: str
system_version: str
multiple_maps: bool | None = None
map_metadata: list[MapMetaData] = list
class MapShapeTypes {
rectangular: str = 'rectangular'
non_rectangular: str = 'non_rectangular'
MapMetaData ..> MapColorSchemeTypes
MapMetaData ..> MapShapeTypes
CogMetaData ..> MapMetaData
feature results
class PolygonLegendAndFeaturesResult {
id: str
legend_provenance: ModelProvenance | None = None
label: str
abbreviation: str = ''
description: str = ''
legend_bbox: list[float | int] = list
legend_contour: list[list[float | int]] = list
color: str = ''
pattern: str = ''
category: str = ''
map_unit: list[MapUnit] = list
reference_id: str = ''
validated: bool | None = None
crs: str = 'pixel'
cdr_projection_id: str = ''
polygon_features: PolygonFeatureCollection | None = None
class LineLegendAndFeaturesResult {
id: str
legend_provenance: ModelProvenance | None = None
name: str = ''
abbreviation: str = ''
description: str = ''
legend_bbox: list[float | int] = list
legend_contour: list[list[float | int]] = list
reference_id: str = ''
validated: bool | None = None
crs: str = 'pixel'
cdr_projection_id: str = ''
line_features: LineFeatureCollection | None = None
class PointLegendAndFeaturesResult {
id: str
legend_provenance: ModelProvenance | None = None
name: str
abbreviation: str = ''
description: str = ''
legend_bbox: list[float | int] = list
legend_contour: list[list[float | int]] = list
reference_id: str = ''
validated: bool | None = None
crs: str = 'pixel'
cdr_projection_id: str = ''
point_features: PointFeatureCollection | None = None
class Area_Extraction {
type: GeomType = GeomType.Polygon
coordinates: list[list[list[float | int]]]
bbox: list[float | int] = list
category: AreaType
text: str = ''
reference_id: str = ''
validated: bool = False
model: str
model_version: str
confidence: float | int | None = None
class FeatureResults {
system: str
system_version: str
cog_id: str
line_feature_results: list[LineLegendAndFeaturesResult] = list
point_feature_results: list[PointLegendAndFeaturesResult] = list
polygon_feature_results: list[PolygonLegendAndFeaturesResult] = list
cog_area_extractions: list[Area_Extraction] = list
cog_metadata_extractions: list[CogMetaData] = list
class CogMetaData {
cog_id: str
system: str
system_version: str
multiple_maps: bool | None = None
map_metadata: list[MapMetaData] = list
Area_Extraction ..> AreaType
Area_Extraction ..> GeomType
LineLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> ModelProvenance
LineLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> LineFeatureCollection
PointLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> ModelProvenance
PointLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> PointFeatureCollection
PolygonLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> ModelProvenance
PolygonLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> MapUnit
PolygonLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> PolygonFeatureCollection
CogMetaData ..> MapMetaData
FeatureResults ..> PolygonLegendAndFeaturesResult
FeatureResults ..> LineLegendAndFeaturesResult
FeatureResults ..> PointLegendAndFeaturesResult
FeatureResults ..> Area_Extraction
FeatureResults ..> CogMetaData
point feature
class PointProperties {
model: str
model_version: str
confidence: float | int | None = None
bbox: list[float | int] = list
dip: int | None = None
dip_direction: int | None = None
reference_id: str = ''
validated: bool | None = None
class PointFeatureCollection {
type: GeoJsonType = GeoJsonType.FeatureCollection
features: list[PointFeature] = list
class PointLegendAndFeaturesResult {
id: str
legend_provenance: ModelProvenance | None = None
name: str
abbreviation: str = ''
description: str = ''
legend_bbox: list[float | int] = list
legend_contour: list[list[float | int]] = list
reference_id: str = ''
validated: bool | None = None
crs: str = 'pixel'
cdr_projection_id: str = ''
point_features: PointFeatureCollection | None = None
class GeoJsonType {
Feature: str = 'Feature'
FeatureCollection: str = 'FeatureCollection'
class PointFeature {
type: GeoJsonType = GeoJsonType.Feature
id: str
geometry: Point
properties: PointProperties
class ModelProvenance {
model: str
model_version: str
confidence: float | int | None = None
class GeomType {
Point: str = 'Point'
LineString: str = 'LineString'
Polygon: str = 'Polygon'
class Point {
coordinates: list[float | int]
type: GeomType = GeomType.Point
Point ..> GeomType
PointFeature ..> PointProperties
PointFeature ..> Point
PointFeature ..> GeoJsonType
PointFeatureCollection ..> PointFeature
PointFeatureCollection ..> GeoJsonType
PointLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> ModelProvenance
PointLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> PointFeatureCollection
line feature
class LineLegendAndFeaturesResult {
id: str
legend_provenance: ModelProvenance | None = None
name: str = ''
abbreviation: str = ''
description: str = ''
legend_bbox: list[float | int] = list
legend_contour: list[list[float | int]] = list
reference_id: str = ''
validated: bool | None = None
crs: str = 'pixel'
cdr_projection_id: str = ''
line_features: LineFeatureCollection | None = None
class Line {
coordinates: list[list[float | int]]
type: GeomType = GeomType.LineString
class DashType {
none: str = ''
solid: str = 'solid'
dash: str = 'dash'
dotted: str = 'dotted'
class LineFeatureCollection {
type: GeoJsonType = GeoJsonType.FeatureCollection
features: list[LineFeature] = list
class LineProperties {
model: str
model_version: str
confidence: float | int | None = None
dash_pattern: DashType = DashType.none
symbol: str = ''
reference_id: str = ''
validated: bool | None = None
class LineFeature {
type: GeoJsonType = GeoJsonType.Feature
id: str
geometry: Line
properties: LineProperties
class GeoJsonType {
Feature: str = 'Feature'
FeatureCollection: str = 'FeatureCollection'
class ModelProvenance {
model: str
model_version: str
confidence: float | int | None = None
class GeomType {
Point: str = 'Point'
LineString: str = 'LineString'
Polygon: str = 'Polygon'
Line ..> GeomType
LineProperties ..> DashType
LineFeature ..> LineProperties
LineFeature ..> Line
LineFeature ..> GeoJsonType
LineFeatureCollection ..> LineFeature
LineFeatureCollection ..> GeoJsonType
LineLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> ModelProvenance
LineLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> LineFeatureCollection
polygon feature
class PolygonFeature {
type: GeoJsonType = GeoJsonType.Feature
id: str
geometry: Polygon
properties: PolygonProperties
class PolygonProperties {
model: str
model_version: str
reference_id: str = ''
validated: bool | None = None
confidence: float | int | None = None
class MapUnit {
age_text: str = ''
b_age: float | None = None
b_interval: str = ''
lithology: str = ''
name: str = ''
t_age: float | None = None
t_interval: str = ''
comments: str = ''
class GeoJsonType {
Feature: str = 'Feature'
FeatureCollection: str = 'FeatureCollection'
class PolygonLegendAndFeaturesResult {
id: str
legend_provenance: ModelProvenance | None = None
label: str
abbreviation: str = ''
description: str = ''
legend_bbox: list[float | int] = list
legend_contour: list[list[float | int]] = list
color: str = ''
pattern: str = ''
category: str = ''
map_unit: list[MapUnit] = list
reference_id: str = ''
validated: bool | None = None
crs: str = 'pixel'
cdr_projection_id: str = ''
polygon_features: PolygonFeatureCollection | None = None
class Polygon {
coordinates: list[list[list[float | int]]]
type: GeomType = GeomType.Polygon
class ModelProvenance {
model: str
model_version: str
confidence: float | int | None = None
class GeomType {
Point: str = 'Point'
LineString: str = 'LineString'
Polygon: str = 'Polygon'
class PolygonFeatureCollection {
type: GeoJsonType = GeoJsonType.FeatureCollection
features: list[PolygonFeature] = list
Polygon ..> GeomType
PolygonFeature ..> PolygonProperties
PolygonFeature ..> Polygon
PolygonFeature ..> GeoJsonType
PolygonFeatureCollection ..> PolygonFeature
PolygonFeatureCollection ..> GeoJsonType
PolygonLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> ModelProvenance
PolygonLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> MapUnit
PolygonLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> PolygonFeatureCollection
cog metadata
class MapColorSchemeTypes {
full_color: str = 'full_color'
monochrome: str = 'monochrome'
grayscale: str = 'grayscale'
class MapMetaData {
title: str = ''
year: int | None = None
crs: str = ''
authors: list[str] = list
organization: str = ''
scale: int | None = None
quadrangle_name: str = ''
map_shape: MapShapeTypes | None = None
map_color_scheme: MapColorSchemeTypes | None = None
publisher: str = ''
state: str = ''
model: str
model_version: str
class CogMetaData {
cog_id: str
system: str
system_version: str
multiple_maps: bool | None = None
map_metadata: list[MapMetaData] = list
class MapShapeTypes {
rectangular: str = 'rectangular'
non_rectangular: str = 'non_rectangular'
MapMetaData ..> MapColorSchemeTypes
MapMetaData ..> MapShapeTypes
CogMetaData ..> MapMetaData
class DocumentMetaData {
doi: str = ''
authors: list[str] = list
journal: str = ''
year: int | None = None
month: int | None = None
volume: int | None = None
issue: str = ''
description: str = ''
publisher: str = ''
class Document {
id: str
title: str
is_open: bool
pages: int
size: int
provenance: list[DocumentProvenance] = list
metadata: DocumentMetaData | None = None
system: str
system_version: str
class DocumentExtraction {
id: str | None = None
document_id: str = None
extraction_type: str
extraction_label: str
score: float | None = None
bbox: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = None
page_num: int | None = None
external_link: str | None = None
data: dict[] | None = None
system: str
system_version: str
class UploadDocument {
title: str
is_open: bool = True
provenance: list[DocumentProvenance] = list
metadata: DocumentMetaData | None = None
system: str
system_version: str
class DocumentProvenance {
external_system_name: str
external_system_id: str = ''
external_system_url: str = ''
UploadDocument ..> DocumentProvenance
UploadDocument ..> DocumentMetaData
Document ..> DocumentProvenance
Document ..> DocumentMetaData
class EvidenceLayer {
name: str = ''
relevance_score: float
class MineralSystem {
deposit_type: list[str] = list
source: list[MappableCriteria] = list
pathway: list[MappableCriteria] = list
trap: list[MappableCriteria] = list
preservation: list[MappableCriteria] = list
energy: list[MappableCriteria] = list
outflow: list[MappableCriteria] = list
class DepositType {
id: str | None = None
name: str
environment: str
group: str
class GeoLocationInfo {
crs: str
geom: str
class DepositTypeCandidate {
observed_name: str = ''
deposit_type_id: str | None = None
confidence: float | int | None = None
source: str
class MineralSite {
id: str
source_id: str = ''
record_id: str = ''
name: str = ''
site_rank: str = ''
site_type: str = ''
country: list[str] = list
province: list[str] = list
location: GeoLocationInfo | None = None
mineral_inventory: list[MineralInventory] = list
deposit_type_candidate: list[DepositTypeCandidate] = list
validated: bool = False
system: str
system_version: str
class MineralInventory {
contained_metal: float | None = None
commodity: str = ''
commodity_observed_name: str = ''
ore_unit: str = ''
ore_value: float | None = None
grade_unit: str = ''
grade_value: float | None = None
cutoff_grade_unit: str = ''
cutoff_grade_value: float | None = None
material_form: float | None = None
material_form_unit: str = ''
material_form_conversion: float | None = None
confidence: Confidence | None = None
categories: list[MineralInventoryCategory] = list
documents: list[DocumentReference] = list
records: list[RecordReference] = list
date: str = ''
zone: str = ''
class DocumentReference {
cdr_id: str
page: int | None = None
x_min: float | None = None
x_max: float | None = None
y_min: float | None = None
y_max: float | None = None
class MappableCriteria {
criteria: str
theoretical: str = ''
potential_dataset: list[EvidenceLayer] = list
supporting_references: list[DocumentReference]
class Confidence {
confidence: float | int | None = None
source: str
class DedupSiteRecord {
id: str | None = None
mineral_site_id: str
name: str = ''
country: str = ''
province: str = ''
site_rank: str = ''
site_type: str = ''
class DedupSite {
id: str | None = None
sites: list[DedupSiteRecord] = list
commodity: str
contained_metal: float | None = None
contained_metal_units: str = ''
tonnage: float | None = None
tonnage_units: str = ''
grade: float | None = None
grade_units: str = ''
crs: str = ''
centroid: str | None = ''
geom: str | None = ''
deposit_type_candidate: list[DepositTypeCandidate] = list
system: str
system_version: str
data_snapshot: str
data_snapshot_date: str
class RecordReference {
record_id: str = ''
source: str = ''
uri: str = ''
class MineralInventoryCategory {
category: str
confidence: float | int | None = None
source: str
class GeologyInfo {
age: str = ''
unit_name: str = ''
description: str = ''
lithology: list[str] = list
process: list[str] = list
environment: list[str] = list
comments: str = ''
MappableCriteria ..> EvidenceLayer
MappableCriteria ..> DocumentReference
MineralSystem ..> MappableCriteria
MineralInventory ..> RecordReference
MineralInventory ..> MineralInventoryCategory
MineralInventory ..> Confidence
MineralInventory ..> DocumentReference
MineralSite ..> DepositTypeCandidate
MineralSite ..> GeoLocationInfo
MineralSite ..> MineralInventory
DedupSite ..> DepositTypeCandidate
DedupSite ..> DedupSiteRecord
map results
class GeoreferenceResults {
cog_id: str
georeference_results: list[GeoreferenceResult] = list
gcps: list[GroundControlPoint] = list
system: str
system_version: str
class MapResults {
cog_id: str
georef_results: list[GeoreferenceResults] = list
extraction_results: list[FeatureResults] = list
class FeatureResults {
system: str
system_version: str
cog_id: str
line_feature_results: list[LineLegendAndFeaturesResult] = list
point_feature_results: list[PointLegendAndFeaturesResult] = list
polygon_feature_results: list[PolygonLegendAndFeaturesResult] = list
cog_area_extractions: list[Area_Extraction] = list
cog_metadata_extractions: list[CogMetaData] = list
FeatureResults ..> PolygonLegendAndFeaturesResult
FeatureResults ..> LineLegendAndFeaturesResult
FeatureResults ..> PointLegendAndFeaturesResult
FeatureResults ..> Area_Extraction
FeatureResults ..> CogMetaData
GeoreferenceResults ..> GroundControlPoint
GeoreferenceResults ..> GeoreferenceResult
MapResults ..> GeoreferenceResults
MapResults ..> FeatureResults
class Map {
id: str
provenance: list[MapProvenance] = list
is_open: bool
system: str
system_version: str
class MapProvenance {
system_name: str
id: str = None
url: str = None
Map ..> MapProvenance
prospectivity input
class DataTypeId {
raw_data_type: RawDataType
id: str
class LayerCategory {
GEOPHYSICS: str = 'geophysics'
GEOLOGY: str = 'geology'
GEOCHEMISTRY: str = 'geochemistry'
class fastBNNUserOptions {
train_size: float | None = 1.0
init_negatives_multiplier: int | None = 20
upsample_positives_multiplier: float | None = 0.0
learning_rate: float | None = 0.001
training_epochs: int | None = 100
network_arch_depth: int | None = 2
network_arch_width: int | None = 1
network_arch_core_units: list[int] | None = None
network_arch_head_units: list[int] | None = None
class ImputeMethod {
MEAN: str = 'mean'
MEDIAN: str = 'median'
class RawDataType {
MINERAL_SITE: str = 'mineral_site'
POINT: str = 'point'
LINE: str = 'line'
POLYGON: str = 'polygon'
TIF: str = 'tif'
VECTOR: str = 'vector'
class NeuralNetUserOptions {
likely_negative_range: tuple[float, float] | None = (0.1, 1.0)
fraction_train_split: float | None = 0.8
upsample_multiplier: float | None = 20.0
dropout_tuple: tuple[float, float, float] | None = (0.0, 0.25, 0.25)
learning_rate: float | None = 0.001
weight_decay: float | None = 0.01
smoothing: float | None = 0.3
class TransformMethod {
LOG: str = 'log'
ABS: str = 'abs'
SQRT: str = 'sqrt'
class DefineVectorProcessDataLayer {
label_raster: bool = False
title: str
evidence_features: list[DataTypeId] = list
extra_geometries: list[Point | LineString | Polygon] = list
transform_methods: list[TransformMethod | Impute | ScalingType] = list
class RFUserOptions {
n_estimators: int | None = 100
n_unlabeled: int | None = 40000
class ScalingType {
MINMAX: str = 'minmax'
MAXABS: str = 'maxabs'
STANDARD: str = 'standard'
class LayerDataType {
CONTINUOUS: str = 'continuous'
BINARY: str = 'binary'
CATEGORICAL: str = 'categorical'
class CreateCriticalMineralAssessment {
crs: str
extent: MultiPolygon
resolution: list[float | int]
mineral: str
description: str
creation_date: datetime = now
class SaveProcessedDataLayer {
cma_id: str
title: str
label_raster: bool = False
raw_data_info: list[DataTypeId] = list
extra_geometries: list[] = list
system: str
system_version: str
transform_methods: list[TransformMethod | Impute | ScalingType] = list
event_id: str = ''
class CreateProcessDataLayers {
cma_id: str
system: str
system_version: str
evidence_layers: list[DefineProcessDataLayer] = list
vector_layers: list[DefineVectorProcessDataLayer] = list
class DataSource {
DOI: str | None
authors: list[str] | None
publication_date: str | None
category: LayerCategory | str | None
subcategory: str | None
description: str | None
derivative_ops: str | None
type: LayerDataType
resolution: tuple | None
format: DataFormat
download_url: str | None
class Point {
bbox: tuple[float, float, float, float] | tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float] | None = None
type: Literal['Point']
coordinates: Position2D | Position3D
class ProspectivityOutputLayer {
system: str
system_version: str
model: str = ''
model_version: str = ''
model_run_id: str
output_type: str
cma_id: str
title: str
class DataFormat {
TIF: str = 'tif'
SHP: str = 'shp'
class MultiPolygon {
bbox: tuple[float, float, float, float] | tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float] | None = None
type: Literal['MultiPolygon']
coordinates: list[list[list[Position2D | Position3D]]]
class LineString {
bbox: tuple[float, float, float, float] | tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float] | None = None
type: Literal['LineString']
coordinates: list[Position2D | Position3D]
class Impute {
impute_method: ImputeMethod
window_size: list[int] = [3, 3]
class DefineProcessDataLayer {
data_source_id: str
title: str
transform_methods: list[TransformMethod | Impute | ScalingType] = list
label_raster: bool = False
class CreateProspectModelMetaData {
cma_id: str
system: str
system_version: str
author: str = ''
date: str = ''
organization: str = ''
model_type: str
train_config: SOMTrainConfig | NeuralNetUserOptions | RFUserOptions | fastBNNUserOptions
evidence_layers: list[str]
class Polygon {
bbox: tuple[float, float, float, float] | tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float] | None = None
type: Literal['Polygon']
coordinates: list[list[Position2D | Position3D]]
class CreateDataSource {
DOI: str = ''
authors: list[str] = list
publication_date: str = ''
category: LayerCategory
subcategory: str = ''
description: str = ''
derivative_ops: str = ''
type: LayerDataType
resolution: list[float | int] = list
format: DataFormat
reference_url: str = ''
evidence_layer_raster_prefix: str = ''
class SOMTrainConfig {
size: int = 20
dimensions_x: int | None = 20
dimensions_y: int | None = 20
num_initializations: int | None = 5
num_epochs: int = 10
grid_type: SOMGrid | None = 'rectangular'
som_type: SOMType | None = 'toroid'
som_initialization: SOMInitialization | None = 'random'
initial_neighborhood_size: float | None = 0.0
final_neighborhood_size: float | None = 1.0
neighborhood_function: NeighborhoodFunction | None = 'gaussian'
gaussian_neighborhood_coefficient: float | None = 0.5
learning_rate_decay: LearningRateDecay | None = 'linear'
neighborhood_decay: NeighborhoodDecay | None = 'linear'
initial_learning_rate: float | None
final_learning_rate: float | None
kmeans: bool | None = True
kmeans_min: int | None = 1
kmeans_max: int | None = 10
LineString ..> Position3D
LineString ..> Position2D
MultiPolygon ..> Position3D
MultiPolygon ..> Position2D
Point ..> Position3D
Point ..> Position2D
Polygon ..> Position3D
Polygon ..> Position2D
SOMTrainConfig ..> LearningRateDecay
SOMTrainConfig ..> SOMInitialization
SOMTrainConfig ..> NeighborhoodFunction
SOMTrainConfig ..> SOMGrid
SOMTrainConfig ..> SOMType
SOMTrainConfig ..> NeighborhoodDecay
Impute ..> ImputeMethod
CreateDataSource ..> LayerCategory
CreateDataSource ..> DataFormat
CreateDataSource ..> LayerDataType
CreateCriticalMineralAssessment ..> datetime
CreateCriticalMineralAssessment ..> MultiPolygon
DefineProcessDataLayer ..> ScalingType
DefineProcessDataLayer ..> TransformMethod
DefineProcessDataLayer ..> Impute
DataTypeId ..> RawDataType
SaveProcessedDataLayer ..> ScalingType
SaveProcessedDataLayer ..> DataTypeId
SaveProcessedDataLayer ..> TransformMethod
SaveProcessedDataLayer ..> Impute
DefineVectorProcessDataLayer ..> DataTypeId
DefineVectorProcessDataLayer ..> Polygon
DefineVectorProcessDataLayer ..> TransformMethod
DefineVectorProcessDataLayer ..> ScalingType
DefineVectorProcessDataLayer ..> LineString
DefineVectorProcessDataLayer ..> Impute
DefineVectorProcessDataLayer ..> Point
CreateProspectModelMetaData ..> NeuralNetUserOptions
CreateProspectModelMetaData ..> SOMTrainConfig
CreateProspectModelMetaData ..> fastBNNUserOptions
CreateProspectModelMetaData ..> RFUserOptions
CreateProcessDataLayers ..> DefineVectorProcessDataLayer
CreateProcessDataLayers ..> DefineProcessDataLayer
DataSource ..> LayerCategory
DataSource ..> DataFormat
DataSource ..> LayerDataType
DataSource ..> tuple
prospectivity models
class LearningRateDecay {
LINEAR: str = 'linear'
EXPONENTIAL: str = 'exponential'
class SOMInitialization {
RANDOM: str = 'random'
PCA: str = 'pca'
class NeighborhoodFunction {
GAUSSIAN: str = 'gaussian'
BUBBLE: str = 'bubble'
class SOMGrid {
HEXAGONAL: str = 'hexagonal'
RECTANGULAR: str = 'rectangular'
class fastBNNUserOptions {
train_size: float | None = 1.0
init_negatives_multiplier: int | None = 20
upsample_positives_multiplier: float | None = 0.0
learning_rate: float | None = 0.001
training_epochs: int | None = 100
network_arch_depth: int | None = 2
network_arch_width: int | None = 1
network_arch_core_units: list[int] | None = None
network_arch_head_units: list[int] | None = None
class NeighborhoodDecay {
LINEAR: str = 'linear'
EXPONENTIAL: str = 'exponential'
class NeuralNetUserOptions {
likely_negative_range: tuple[float, float] | None = (0.1, 1.0)
fraction_train_split: float | None = 0.8
upsample_multiplier: float | None = 20.0
dropout_tuple: tuple[float, float, float] | None = (0.0, 0.25, 0.25)
learning_rate: float | None = 0.001
weight_decay: float | None = 0.01
smoothing: float | None = 0.3
class RFUserOptions {
n_estimators: int | None = 100
n_unlabeled: int | None = 40000
class SOMTrainConfig {
size: int = 20
dimensions_x: int | None = 20
dimensions_y: int | None = 20
num_initializations: int | None = 5
num_epochs: int = 10
grid_type: SOMGrid | None = 'rectangular'
som_type: SOMType | None = 'toroid'
som_initialization: SOMInitialization | None = 'random'
initial_neighborhood_size: float | None = 0.0
final_neighborhood_size: float | None = 1.0
neighborhood_function: NeighborhoodFunction | None = 'gaussian'
gaussian_neighborhood_coefficient: float | None = 0.5
learning_rate_decay: LearningRateDecay | None = 'linear'
neighborhood_decay: NeighborhoodDecay | None = 'linear'
initial_learning_rate: float | None
final_learning_rate: float | None
kmeans: bool | None = True
kmeans_min: int | None = 1
kmeans_max: int | None = 10
class SOMType {
TOROID: str = 'toroid'
SHEET: str = 'sheet'
SOMTrainConfig ..> LearningRateDecay
SOMTrainConfig ..> SOMInitialization
SOMTrainConfig ..> NeighborhoodFunction
SOMTrainConfig ..> SOMGrid
SOMTrainConfig ..> SOMType
SOMTrainConfig ..> NeighborhoodDecay