This repository contains resources to build and deploy several Docker containers needed for the MTRI Statmagic application as well as the beak-ta3 server. The Docker containers are grouped together in profiles allowing the separate deployment of containers across multiple hosts, if necessary. A description of the deployed containers can be seen below.
container- Runs the Django web application containing the Statmagic website
container- Hosts the postgis database used by the statmagic application
container- Executes a periodic syncing process to copy relevant CDR layers and re-generate the mapfile used by the tileserver
container- Hosts the tileserver used by the statmagic application
container- Hosts the beak-ta3 server
git clone
cd mtri-statmagic-web
git submodule init
git submodule update
git pull origin main
conda install awscliv2
awscliv2 configure
Set the default region name to us-east-1
NOTE: This command grabs the database dump as of Dec. 06, 2024. Make sure to grab the latest dump available!
awscliv2 s3 cp s3://statmagic/mtri/statmagic_2024-12-06.dump.out statmagic_dump.dump.out
Unzip to statmagic_dump.dump.out
awscliv2 s3 cp s3://statmagic/mtri/ mtri-statmagic-deploy/
# TBD on where this will come from
Create a .env
file with the following environment variables:
## Identity of the server running the postgis database.
# On a single host setup, this will be `postgis` if using Docker Compose or `statmagic-database` if using docker run
# On a multi host setup, this will be the ip address of the host running the `application` profile
## Port that the database is exposed on. NOT CURRENTLY USED, 5432 IS DEFAULT
## Password set for postgis user. Needed by web-app to query postgis database
## Location of the locally synced CDR layers used to generate the mapfile
## Identity of the server running the tileserver
# On a single host setup, this will be `tileserver` if using Docker Compose or `statmagic-tileserver` if using docker run
# On a multi host setup, this will be the ip address of the host running the `tile` profile
# CDR configuration
# Address that the web-application will be accessible at
Create a beak.env
file with the following environment variables:
# Identity of process interacting with CDR
SYSTEM_NAME=beak_via_mtri_$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 13; echo)
# CDR configuration
# ngrok authentication token
# location of local datalayer cache.
Any environment variable set to a string between square brackets, i.e. [CDR_API_TOKEN]
must be replaced with your
own token.
To launch all containers on a single host, run:
COMPOSE_PROFILES=* docker compose -f docker-compose.statmagic.yaml up --build -d
To launch a single profile, run the following command, where PROFILE_NAME
is one of [application
, tile
, beak
COMPOSE_PROFILES=PROFILE_NAME docker compose -f docker-compose.statmagic.yaml up --build -d
Similarly, bring down a single (or multiple) profile with the following command
COMPOSE_PROFILES=* docker compose -f docker-compose.statmagic.yaml down
Navigate to the following address, where ${WEBAPP_HOSTNAME}
is the env var set in .env
Either open 5 terminals (one for each container) or add the -d
argument to the docker run command to detach (run in the background).
If you open new terminals, make sure to cd back to mtri-statmagic-deploy
and source your .env
file before each docker run
The web-app container should be started last.
If you are running all the containers on a single host, run the following:
# Source environment files
source .env
source beak.env
# Create volume for postgis data storage
docker volume create postgis_data
# Create network for containers
docker network create statmagic-network
# Launch beak-som container
docker run -d --env-file beak.env --name beak-som --restart always efvega/beak-som
# Launch postgis container
docker run -d --name statmagic-database --network statmagic-network -u postgres --restart always -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=statmagic -e DJANGO_USER_STATMAGIC_PGPASS=$DJANGO_USER_STATMAGIC_PGPASS -v postgis_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -v ${PWD}/statmagic_dump.dump.out:/tmp/statmagic_dump.dump.out -v ${PWD}/init_scripts:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ --health-cmd CMD-SHELL,pg_isready,-d,statmagic --health-interval 3s --health-retries 30 --health-timeout 3s postgis/postgis:14-3.5
# Launch cdr-sync container
#docker run --name cdr-sync --network statmagic-network --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash -v ./datalayer_download:${TILESERVER_LOCAL_SYNC_FOLDER} -v ./ --env-file .env efvega/mtri-statmagic-deploy-web-app -c "cron -f"
docker run -d --name statmagic-cdr-sync --network statmagic-network --entrypoint /bin/bash --restart always -v ./datalayer_download:${TILESERVER_LOCAL_SYNC_FOLDER} -v ./ --env-file .env efvega/statmagic-web-app -c "cron -f"
# Launch tileserver container
#docker run --name tileserver --network statmagic-network --rm -v ./datalayer_download:/usr/local/project/datalayer_download -v ./ -v ./symbols.sym:/var/www/mapfiles/symbols.sym -v ./tileserver_000-default.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf -p 8081:80 efvega/mtri-statmagic-deploy-tileserver
docker run -d --name statmagic-tileserver --network statmagic-network --restart always -v ./datalayer_download:/usr/local/project/datalayer_download -v ./ -v ./symbols.sym:/var/www/mapfiles/symbols.sym -v ./tileserver_000-default.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf -p 8081:80 efvega/statmagic-tileserver
# Launch web-app container
#docker run --name web-app --network statmagic-network --rm -v ./statmagic_000-default.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf -v ./ -v ./datalayer_download:${TILESERVER_LOCAL_SYNC_FOLDER} -v ./ -p 8000:80 --env-file .env efvega/mtri-statmagic-deploy-web-app server
docker run -d --name statmagic-web-app --network statmagic-network --restart always -v ./statmagic_000-default.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf -v ./ -v ./datalayer_download:${TILESERVER_LOCAL_SYNC_FOLDER} -v ./ -p 8000:80 --env-file .env efvega/statmagic-web-app server
If you are running on multiple hosts, run the following instead: