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This repository contains resources to build and deploy several Docker containers needed for the MTRI Statmagic application as well as the beak-ta3 server. The Docker containers are grouped together in profiles allowing the separate deployment of containers across multiple hosts, if necessary. A description of the deployed containers can be seen below.

  • application profile
    • statmagic-web-app container
      • Runs the Django web application containing the Statmagic website
    • statmagic-database container
      • Hosts the postgis database used by the statmagic application
  • tile profile
    • statmagic-cdr-sync container
      • Executes a periodic syncing process to copy relevant CDR layers and re-generate the mapfile used by the tileserver
    • statmagic-tileserver container
      • Hosts the tileserver used by the statmagic application
  • beak profile
    • beak-som container
      • Hosts the beak-ta3 server

Clone our repositories

git clone
cd mtri-statmagic-web
git submodule init
git submodule update
git pull origin main

If you have not done so, set up AWS CLI

conda install awscliv2
awscliv2 configure

Set the default region name to us-east-1.

Obtain a copy of our database dump

NOTE: This command grabs the database dump as of Dec. 06, 2024. Make sure to grab the latest dump available!

awscliv2 s3 cp s3://statmagic/mtri/statmagic_2024-12-06.dump.out statmagic_dump.dump.out

Unzip to statmagic_dump.dump.out

Obtain a copy of our mapfile:

awscliv2 s3 cp s3://statmagic/mtri/ mtri-statmagic-deploy/

Obtain a copy of our synchronized tile server files:

# TBD on where this will come from

Set up environment variables.

Create a .env file with the following environment variables:

## Identity of the server running the postgis database.
# On a single host setup, this will be `postgis` if using Docker Compose or `statmagic-database` if using docker run
# On a multi host setup, this will be the ip address of the host running the `application` profile

## Port that the database is exposed on. NOT CURRENTLY USED, 5432 IS DEFAULT

## Password set for postgis user. Needed by web-app to query postgis database

## Location of the locally synced CDR layers used to generate the mapfile

## Identity of the server running the tileserver
# On a single host setup, this will be `tileserver` if using Docker Compose or `statmagic-tileserver` if using docker run
# On a multi host setup, this will be the ip address of the host running the `tile` profile

# CDR configuration

# Address that the web-application will be accessible at

Create a beak.env file with the following environment variables:

# Identity of process interacting with CDR
SYSTEM_NAME=beak_via_mtri_$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 13; echo)

# CDR configuration

# ngrok authentication token

# location of local datalayer cache.

Any environment variable set to a string between square brackets, i.e. [CDR_API_TOKEN] must be replaced with your own token.

Build & launch containers:

To launch all containers on a single host, run:

COMPOSE_PROFILES=* docker compose -f docker-compose.statmagic.yaml up --build -d

To launch a single profile, run the following command, where PROFILE_NAME is one of [application, tile, beak]

COMPOSE_PROFILES=PROFILE_NAME docker compose -f docker-compose.statmagic.yaml up --build -d

Similarly, bring down a single (or multiple) profile with the following command

COMPOSE_PROFILES=* docker compose -f docker-compose.statmagic.yaml down

View web app

Navigate to the following address, where ${WEBAPP_HOSTNAME} is the env var set in .env.


Build & launch from images without compose

Either open 5 terminals (one for each container) or add the -d argument to the docker run command to detach (run in the background). If you open new terminals, make sure to cd back to mtri-statmagic-deploy and source your .env file before each docker run command. The web-app container should be started last.

If you are running all the containers on a single host, run the following:

# Source environment files
source .env
source beak.env

# Create volume for postgis data storage
docker volume create postgis_data

# Create network for containers
docker network create statmagic-network

# Launch beak-som container
docker run -d --env-file beak.env --name beak-som --restart always efvega/beak-som

# Launch postgis container
docker run -d --name statmagic-database --network statmagic-network -u postgres --restart always -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=statmagic -e DJANGO_USER_STATMAGIC_PGPASS=$DJANGO_USER_STATMAGIC_PGPASS -v postgis_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -v ${PWD}/statmagic_dump.dump.out:/tmp/statmagic_dump.dump.out -v ${PWD}/init_scripts:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ --health-cmd CMD-SHELL,pg_isready,-d,statmagic --health-interval 3s --health-retries 30 --health-timeout 3s postgis/postgis:14-3.5

# Launch cdr-sync container
#docker run --name cdr-sync --network statmagic-network --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash -v ./datalayer_download:${TILESERVER_LOCAL_SYNC_FOLDER} -v ./ --env-file .env efvega/mtri-statmagic-deploy-web-app -c "cron -f"
docker run -d --name statmagic-cdr-sync --network statmagic-network --entrypoint /bin/bash --restart always -v ./datalayer_download:${TILESERVER_LOCAL_SYNC_FOLDER} -v ./ --env-file .env efvega/statmagic-web-app -c "cron -f"

# Launch tileserver container
#docker run --name tileserver --network statmagic-network --rm -v ./datalayer_download:/usr/local/project/datalayer_download -v ./ -v ./symbols.sym:/var/www/mapfiles/symbols.sym -v ./tileserver_000-default.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf -p 8081:80 efvega/mtri-statmagic-deploy-tileserver
docker run -d --name statmagic-tileserver --network statmagic-network --restart always -v ./datalayer_download:/usr/local/project/datalayer_download -v ./ -v ./symbols.sym:/var/www/mapfiles/symbols.sym -v ./tileserver_000-default.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf -p 8081:80 efvega/statmagic-tileserver

# Launch web-app container 
#docker run --name web-app --network statmagic-network --rm -v ./statmagic_000-default.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf -v ./ -v ./datalayer_download:${TILESERVER_LOCAL_SYNC_FOLDER} -v ./ -p 8000:80 --env-file .env efvega/mtri-statmagic-deploy-web-app server
docker run -d --name statmagic-web-app --network statmagic-network --restart always -v ./statmagic_000-default.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf -v ./ -v ./datalayer_download:${TILESERVER_LOCAL_SYNC_FOLDER} -v ./ -p 8000:80 --env-file .env efvega/statmagic-web-app server

If you are running on multiple hosts, run the following instead:


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