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The QGIS plugin front end for StatMaGIC.

This user guide is intended to assist in the installation, set-up, and use of the StatMaGIC QGIS Plug-In developed under the DARPA CriticalMAAS for USGS end users.

Last Updated: 5/14/2024

Table Of Contents

  1. Software Needs
  2. Plug-In Installation
    1. Setting Up Environment
    2. Cloning Repositories
    3. Maintaining Repositories
  3. Opening StatMaGIC in QGIS
    1. Opening QGIS
    2. Opening StatMaGIC once in QGIS
  4. StatMaGIC Plugin Tool Usage Guides
    1. Feature Attribution Plots

Software Needs

To run the StatMaGIC plugin, users will need to have the following software downloaded onto their machine or alternatively have access to a remote computer server (such as AWS) that has these software installed. Some software may be contingent on users operating system.

Name Description
Git Bash Command line emulator (Windows only) which is necessary to pull the latest updates from the CriticalMAAS Github.
Mamba Wrapper around conda (used for environment setup and software installation). Needed on both Windows and Ubuntu.
Ubuntu users

Download mamba:

curl -L -O "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
bash Mambaforge-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh -b

Activate base Mamba environment:

source $HOME/mambaforge/bin/activate 
Windows users

Git Bash

  1. Download the Git Bash installer:

  2. Run the installation wizard by double clicking the .exe file you downloaded. Select all of the default options.

  3. In the start menu, type "git bash" to launch the "Git Bash" app.


  1. Download the mamba installer:

    • If downloading through the browser is blocked by Windows Defender, you can use Git Bash to download it instead. Inside Git Bash, run curl
  2. Run the installation wizard by double clicking Mambaforge-Windows-x86_64.exe.

    • Select "Just me" and install in the default location, e.g. C:\Users\djleisma\AppData\Local\mambaforge
    • Select only the checkbox labeled "Create start menu shortcuts." We'll try to do most everything else manually.
  3. In the start menu, type "miniforge" to launch the "Miniforge Prompt" app.

Plug-In Installation

A controlled working environment has been created to to ensure that the StatMaGIC plugin works as designed across all machines (step 1). Once that environment has been created, the most recent version of the plugin needs to be cloned from the shared CriticalMAAS GitHub onto the users local system (step 2). These two steps should only be required the first time a new user goes to use the plugin. Subsequent use cases, the user needs only to activate the existing statmagic environment and check that their repositories are up to date (step 3).

1. Setting Up Environment

Open a terminal

Ubuntu users

Hit Ctrl + Alt + T to open a new terminal, or use your terminal emulator of choice.

Windows Users

Use the Miniforge prompt for this section.

Create new, project-specific environment

Ubuntu users
mamba create --name statmagic --channel conda-forge python=3.11.7 qgis=3.34 scipy scikit-learn pandas gdal numpy matplotlib scikit-image pydantic pygraphviz poetry jsonschema2md erdantic progress awscli rasterio geopandas shapely mapbox-vector-tile mercantile pyqtgraph seaborn rioxarray boto3 pooch requests requests-mock progress pytest charset-normalizer somoclu
Windows users
mamba create --name statmagic --channel conda-forge python=3.11.7 qgis=3.34 scipy scikit-learn pandas gdal numpy matplotlib scikit-image pydantic pygraphviz poetry jsonschema2md erdantic progress awscli rasterio geopandas shapely mapbox-vector-tile mercantile pyqtgraph seaborn rioxarray boto3 pooch requests requests-mock progress pytest charset-normalizer

Initialize Mamba

mamba init

Prevent mamba from auto-activating the base environment. (Note, the conda, not mamba prefix).

conda config --set auto_activate_base false

Activate the project-specific environment

mamba activate statmagic

Note that the above command must be run every time you open a terminal / miniforge prompt in order to use our software.

2. Cloning Repositories

Ubuntu Users

Using the same terminal from before:

mkdir statmagic; cd statmagic
git clone
git clone
git clone

If you intend to use the Beak or SRI workflows, their software is also necessary:

git clone
git clone

Without the necessary code present, the respective Beak or SRI popups will not work.

Windows Users
  1. Open GitHub and navigate to the mtri-statmagic-backend repository:
  2. Select the down arrow near the <>Code button and copy the URL by clicking the Copy url to clipboard Copy URL image
  3. Open Git Bash from the start menu or search bar
  4. In Git Bash, navigate to the folder that you would like to save these repositories into using the change directory cd command. For example, I have mine in saved in my local computer's users folder in a directory called dev for development. Git bash image
  5. Type git clone and then right click to paste the copied URL from GitHub Git Clone image
  6. Hit Enter
  7. Repeat steps 2-5 with the GitHub mtri-statmagic-gui repository:
  8. Repeat steps 2-5 with the GitHub sciencebasepy respository:
  9. If you wish to use Beak's workflow, repeat steps 2-5 using . The Beak tab will not function without Beak's software.
  10. If you wish to use SRI's workflow, repeat steps 2-5 using . The SRI tab will not function without SRI's software.
  11. Helpful commands:
  • To view the files within a folder use the directory command dir
  • To go back a directory use cd ..
  • Use the Tab key to auto populate path names once you start typing.
  • To see if the repositories have been changes, navigate to be within the repo and use command git status

Opening StatMaGIC in QGIS

0. First Time Setup

Navigate to the mtri-statmagic-backend directory

Windows Users
  1. Open Miniforge prompt
  2. cd dev\mtri-statmagic-backend
Ubuntu Users
  1. Use the same terminal from before.
  2. cd mtri-statmagic-backend

If your terminal doesn't say (statmagic) at the beginning, you may need to type mamba activate statmagic again.

Run the following command (required for the plugin to function):

pip install -e . --no-deps

pip install image

If you intend to use the Sciencebase tab, cd ../sciencebasepy then run pip install -e . --no-deps.

If you intend to use the Beak popup, cd ../beak-ta3 then run pip install -e . --no-deps.

If you intend to use the SRI popup, cd ../sri-ta3 then run pip install -e . --no-deps.

1. Starting QGIS

Starting QGIS in Windows
  1. Open Miniforge Prompt
  2. Activate the StatMaGIC environment with mamba activate statmagic
  3. Navigate to the mtri-statmagic-gui repository (e.g. cd dev\mtri-statmagic-gui) Note once you start typing you can hit the Tab key to fill out the rest of the path.
  4. Run the aws_launch_qgis.bat script from within mtri-statmagic-gui aws_launch_qgis image
  5. This will prompt a series of commands to open up QGIS.
Starting QGIS in Ubuntu
  1. Open terminal
  2. Activate the StatMaGIC environment with mamba activate statmagic
  3. Navigate to the mtri-statmagic-gui directory (e.g. cd dev/mtri-statmagic-gui) Note once you start typing you can hit the Tab key to fill out the rest of the path.
  4. Run the script from within mtri-statmagic-gui
  5. This will prompt a series of commands to open up QGIS.

2. Opening StatMaGIC once in QGIS

  1. Select a new project by clicking the new project icon (white page in the upper left) or re-open a recent project from the suggestions.

new QGIS project image

  1. The StatMaGIC plug-in icon plugin icon image will appear at the top of the QGIS project and when clicked on will open the plug-in along the right side of the QGIS project workspace. Note: Should the StatMaGIC icon not appear automatically on your tool bar, select Plugins along the top menu and Manage and Install Plugins... In the plugin manager, navigate to the installed plugins and check the box next to the StatMaGIC plugin.

    Manage and Install Plugins image

  2. You are now ready to use the StatMaGIC tools.


The QGIS plugin front end for StatMaGIC.






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