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Please beware that this is version 2+ which is completely incompatible with version 1.x which has been branched to the version-1.x branch

Logger module intendted to be used within the DBC A/S organisation but is free for anyone to use.


Implementatin exmaple: See implementation in for an example of usage.

import {log} from 'dbc-node-logger';

log.log('info', 'hello world', {additional: 'data'});

// OR'hello world', {additional: 'data'});
log.error('hello world', {additional: 'data'});
// ETC...

Environment Varibles

The following environment variables are defined in this module.

  • LOG_LEVEL - defaults to 'INFO'
    Defines the severity level spanning from OFF (0) to TRACE (5). The following levels are available: OFF, ERROR, WARN (or WARNING), INFO, DEBUG and TRACE

  • PRETTY_LOG - defaults to 0
    If set to 1 (PRETTY_LOG=1) the log statements will be formatted with indentation and linebreaks for easier reading. Otherwise each statement will kept as on a single line.


Methods & Parameters

The main log method is log(). The info(), debug(), notice(), warning() and error() methods are just convenience methods that abstracts the level parameter away. The getExpressLoggers() delivers an object with express-specific loggers.


In general if the level or message parameter is undefined an Error will be thrown. The data parameter is optional and will only be logged if not undefined.


import {log} from 'dbc-node-logger';
log.log(level, message, data = {})
level: string - The severity of the log message
message: string - The log message
data: * - An object containing additional data that might be convenient to log with the message

log.error(message, data = {})
See log() method

log.warn(message, data = {})
See log() method

log.warn(message, data = {})
Same as above warn method, data = {})
See log() method

log.debug(message, data = {})
See log() method

log.notice(message, data = {})
See log() method