HEPHeroML - Machine Learning tool for the DESY-CBPF-UERJ collaboration
This code is meant to be used in association with the HEPHero framework.
The training setup is made in the python scripts inside the directory setups.
The input data consists of h5 files created by the tool grouper.py of the HEPHero framework.
The training results and files are stored in the smae directory of the h5 files.
Inside your private area (NOT in the eos or dust area and NOT inside a CMSSW release), download the code.
git clone https://github.com/DESY-CBPF-UERJ/HEPHeroML.git
Source the hepenv environment before work with the HEPHeroML:
Enter in the HEPHeroML directory:
cd HEPHeroML
After setup the model and training in one of the python scripts inside setups, generate the trainer using the generate_trainer.py script. Example: Generate the trainer for the analysis OPENDATA with the tag Class (defined inside setups/OPENDATA.py):
python generate_trainer.py -a OPENDATA
It will create the trainer script train_OPENDATA_Class.py.
Know how many jobs the code is setted to train (information needed to submit jobs):
python train_OPENDATA_Class.py -j -1
List the jobs the code is setted to train:
python train_OPENDATA_Class.py -j -2
Train the model in the position n of the list:
python train_OPENDATA_Class.py -j n
python train_OPENDATA_Class.py -j 2
- Make submit_jobs.sh an executable:
chmod +x submit_jobs.sh
- See all flavours available for the jobs:
./submit_jobs.sh help
- Submit all the N jobs the code is setted to train:
./submit_jobs.sh flavour N trainer
./submit_jobs.sh workday 32 train_OPENDATA_Class.py
After the jobs have finished, evaluate the training results:
python evaluate.py -s selection_name -p period -a analysis -t tag -l library
python evaluate.py -s MLOD -p 12 -a OPENDATA -t Class -l torch
period = 12, APV_16, 16, 17, or 18