Release 1454
Terraform Plan :
` Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following
~ update in-place
<= read (data resources)
Terraform will perform the following actions:
module.api_application.kubernetes_deployment.main will be updated in-place
~ resource "kubernetes_deployment" "main" {
id = "git-production/getintoteachingapi-production"
(1 unchanged attribute hidden)
~ spec {
(5 unchanged attributes hidden)
~ template {
~ metadata {
~ annotations = {
- "" = "/metrics"
- "" = "8080"
- "" = "true"
(2 unchanged elements hidden)
(2 unchanged attributes hidden)
(1 unchanged block hidden)
(2 unchanged blocks hidden)
(1 unchanged block hidden)
}[0] will be read during apply
(depends on a resource or a module with changes pending)
<= data "azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_categories" "main" {
- id = (known after apply)
- log_category_groups = (known after apply)
- log_category_types = (known after apply)
- logs = (known after apply)
- metrics = (known after apply)
- resource_id = "/subscriptions/3c033a0c-7a1c-4653-93cb-0f2a9f57a391/resourceGroups/s189p01-gitapi-pd-rg/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/s189p01-gitapi-pd-pg"
module.postgres.azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server.main[0] will be updated in-place
~ resource "azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server" "main" {
id = "/subscriptions/3c033a0c-7a1c-4653-93cb-0f2a9f57a391/resourceGroups/s189p01-gitapi-pd-rg/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/s189p01-gitapi-pd-pg"
name = "s189p01-gitapi-pd-pg"
tags = {
"Environment" = "Prod"
"Product" = "Get into teaching website"
"Service Offering" = ""
(16 unchanged attributes hidden)
- maintenance_window {
- day_of_week = 0
- start_hour = 3
- start_minute = 0
(2 unchanged blocks hidden)
Plan: 0 to add, 2 to change, 0 to destroy.