Create a new subgraph fromhttps://thegraph.com/studio/
Install Graph CLI with either npm or yarn
npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli
yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli
clone this repo
Authenticate in CLI, check your subgraph page.
Deploy subgraph
graph deploy --studio test
Since our token contract is a proxy contract, we need to create two subgraphs: the first subgraph should use the address of our proxy contract, and the second subgraph should use the address of our token implementation.
Install Graph CLI with either npm or yarn
npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli
yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli
Create first subgraph using proxy contract's address
graph init --studio your_first_subgraph_name
Create second subgraph using address of token implementation
graph init --studio your_second_subgraph_name
Merge the content of the following files from the second subgraph into the first subgraph files by copying and pasting.
- Files under
. - file
in filesubgraph.yaml
- Files under
Authenticate in CLI, check your subgraph page.
cd your_first_subgraph_name
Build subgraph
graph codegen && graph build
Deploy subgraph
graph deploy --studio test